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Everything posted by wombat2

  1. wombat2

    DayZ so F***ing Hacked I can't play.

    As you can probably guess from my name I'm an Aus player. After (trying) to play on ANZ/NZ servers I gave up and now go exclusively to any US or UK server that won't kick me for high ping. The only times I've encountered hackers and random teleport/killing was on the ANZ/NZ servers. I now have a complete mistrust of any Australian run DayZ server. I won't even try to play on them anymore.
  2. wombat2

    Truth Time Rockett

    Yet you continued to post multiple times with your own pithy one liners. Sorry, but any message you wanted to get across in your original post has long been forgotten. The only thing people will remember from this thread is you being an immature hypocrite.