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_Nightmare started following xSilencex
xSilencex started following _Nightmare
[email protected] started following _Nightmare
_Nightmare started following [email protected]
_Nightmare started following DeadPeople
DeadPeople started following _Nightmare
_Nightmare started following 6crixus6
6crixus6 started following _Nightmare
_Nightmare started following magemdown
magemdown started following _Nightmare
Geez... Shut the thread down already.. Who cares? The three of us that were banned moved on.. It's over with. So guys, Chill, Relax.. No one cares anymore about this.. And the people that came in during all the posts and didn't have a clue about what was going on, Back down and let this go.. Pretty sure there will be more threads just like this that will blow up... My last post on this -Nightmare
Theres nothing else to say mack.. You're the one that keeps coming and posting and acting immature after we all said it was over.. Do yourself a favor and go find attention else where.. Maybe your parents can find you a new baby sitter. So, She can keep your whiney pathetic ass off of here.
Yes it is.. So you can stop wasting your time coming and reading the posts, and posting back..
Are you that fucking ignorant? Or do you not pay a god damn attention? Milkman, As stated before, We are working on getting our server up and running. That being said, You have no business posting in here with your non-sense bullshit. It's already over with. None of us were hacking and we can fucking prove it. It's gone on long enough and it's over with. The thread is being closed as soon as a forum mod can shut it down. You didn't slap anyone or anything through the computer but yourself because you don't pay attention. How about actually reading everything post before posting something idiotic. It doesn't matter if anyone believes his bullshit story, As stated before by Dj Mikey (And I thank you), Even if he does get everyone to banned us, We will have a server to play on until we get ours up. So it really doesn't matter anymore. Just shut the fuck up and move on. It's simple. Guys still posting on here, As yourself Mack17, Is just making yourself look stupid by posting something you actually think anyone gives a shit about.
There was no evidence shown or proof provided of any of our guys and myself doing anything wrong to get banned. Again, A admin that doesn't pay attention or knows what the hell he's doing.. Oh well.. Hopefully they do shut your server down..
I clearly did not state they were not real. I asked to post ours not someone else's. And now you're calling others idiots or stupid or saying someone's posts are childish. If you weren't such a dipshit you would see what I'm asking. Clearly post ours or just shut the fuck up. You're not getting anywhere with your stupid and useless comments. Maybe you're to much of a dipshit, Or cannot post ours. Simply you must be the idiot my good sir.
Apparently "Mack17" and "Str8Dumpn", You're both not very smart. So you have no reason to call someone else slow. Snatchel is stating that we all play together, And everyone's name that is in the forums is the game names we use. And those are the names we have been using for probably many years. So, Therefore, Those are not ID's or Guids you have posted. So please, If you want to post actual "Information" That shows cause on why we were banned. Please do. But until then, That's just useless information and you're just wasting your time. Theres nothing more to say. Look up our names, Find our "rts" or whatever bullshit logs and please post them. Don't post other players that are no where near our group of guys. And if you can't do that. Everyone needs to shut the fuck up and forget about it. That's all. Not more immature useless bullshit.
I didn't know correcting a idiotic mistake or wanting to know why you were banned, Was "Trolling"... Hmm... And by posting on the forums with useful information of admin abuse or..... I got nothing by admin abuse. I didn't think that was considered being a "cry baby".. I think the day-z staff would actually be interested to know what most admins on servers with THEIR mod is doing with it.. As in hacking weapons in.. Going against rules.. Banning on false beings.. They should blacklist servers if they want people to actually spend time on their mod having fun, Instead of people just leaving period and not coming back.. That would just be wasted time on their part.. So I think they would care about unwanting servers or worthless cheating admins. Not just about their great mod (No sarcasm, I really mean it's a great mod, I love it).
From Str8dingdong - "Its shit heads that d/c from fire fights and server jump to get better position that gets banned, plain and simple. Most vets are watching the player tab and know when people are d/c into a lobby during fire fights.. There are several admins on US 913 that watch this kind of stuff and we are PM'd complaints daily and we review them carefully." First, Those "vets" must be idiots.. That being said your "several admins" must be too.. If you were actually "watching", You would know none of us out of all of our guys d/c and server hop to get behind guys. Never at anytime do we do this. And it's funny you actually expect us to believe it was a "PM" or the lame excuse "d/cing into lobby during a firefight" That got us banned, When it was obviously admins we got into a firefight with. Actually not obviously, Definitely they were admins because we were banned right after being killed. Don't come up with some sorry ignorant excuse just to save your ass. Another from Str8Dingdong - "Hacked weapons? Iv never seen one in the server, but if you find one, please report it to the dayz team under cheater section, however make sure you do your own homework first, because G36c pistol has been in dayz forever, so id be careful before reporting bogus slander." REALLY!?!?!?!?! Are you that stupid? G36c is not a pistol... It's a 5.56 x45mm assault rifle, That was made in the 1990's by H&K to replace the 7.62mm G3 Battle rifle. That being said, Shows you're playing stupid or you're just not a intelligent child whatsoever. The G36c isn't even in the game, If it was, I would have ran into it many times. Not only that, It would be listed in many Day-z wikis. So... This is all a cover up from you Str8. And I don't have to do my homework to know you're playing stupid... Or actually you are and you're not playing. But that's not for me to decide. GoodDay... I said GoodDay to you sir...
Well.. Along with these guys, This is also my first post... 2nd firefight of the night started around 10:18 pm est, When two gillie guys came running up to our base firing m14's like fully auto M4A1's. I was banned along with Milkman and Chicago, And there's probably more of us banned, But no names will be revealed. There was an ATV with a hacked g36 SD mag, And as far as I know there is no G36's in dayz. Along on that note, There was also a guy firing from debug land right ontop of our base. If attacking an admin's base or any base, Man up and don't sissy out of a firefight by banning people. Stick it through like most of the players all through day-z do. Don't abuse your powers just because you own a server. See how long this server will remain up and running with pathetic admins. GoodDay.