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About MrBojanggles

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. MrBojanggles

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Ahh, yeah I get it, thats why you start off with a new character.
  2. MrBojanggles

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    You don't have to pay for the map, you just download it and place it into the files and you can play the servers hosting it.
  3. MrBojanggles

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Really? Why would it not be?
  4. MrBojanggles

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    So, I've just got Lingor Island, the new map for DayZ, downloaded I thought it was going to be pretty good only to find out that there is only one server running it, and that server is in RU... Why aren't more servers running Lingor? Is it because it's only available to run to the people who made it or what? And to top it off, the server is always full of people, and it crashes constantly... WE NEED MORE LINGOR ISLAND SERVERS!
  5. MrBojanggles


    While in Elektro, I passed out from falling, when I got up, I was teleported into the wall of the schoolhouse. I can not get find my way out, PLEASE HELP! (:
  6. MrBojanggles

    Are Boats Worth It?

    I have found a fishing boat in a harbor and filled it up with gas. All excited that I found a vehicle, I'm planning to go pick up my friend a ways away. I start moving only to discover that this piece of crap only goes 10 mph/kph. Is it really worth it to drive it unless you need to get to an island? Do you run faster than a boat?
  7. MrBojanggles

    Looking for buddy!

    Been playing DayZ for awhile, and have gotten pretty good gear only to be gunned down in a situation where a good buddy would have been useful, I am looking for an ally that would like to play for SURVIVAL. My steam name is MrBojanggles97. It would be best if you had a mic, thank you (: