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About sirxazor

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  1. sirxazor

    Take out .50 cals

    since we are talking about realism here I think morphine should be removed from the game, since healing bones doesn't happen in 1 second after an injection. FIX IT. btw, if you break ur bones you are fucked for life unless you can put a cast on it and wait couple of weeks.
  2. sirxazor

    Take out .50 cals

    my friend is in the air force and he sends me pics when they are training with weapons, I have seen almost all the current weapons on dayz in their training.
  3. sirxazor

    Take out .50 cals

    how many cd keys you had to buy to get those hacked items?
  4. sirxazor

    Good place for a stash `?

    avoid placing tents in "high areas" the circles in the map these are high points people go alot to look around the area. Place them in a forest area with lots of bushes and small trees and place in between them (play around with the tent because you will get "must be in a flat area blah blah" oh yeah and not put it in a flat area lol. I had mine set up for over 3 weeks now and nobody has touched them.
  5. sirxazor

    The basic helicopter experience. Happen to you?

    If you want to learn to fly you should run Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead, go to single player then Armory select vehicles pick any of the helis in there it will spawn you inside a helicopter 100% fixed and you can learn to fly there. It is very awesome and this is how I am learning the feel of arma 2 helicopters at the moment till I find one on DayZ :)
  6. it changes the way you play... forever! when a game doesnt support trackIR and I move my head around and nothing happens I get VERY jelly.
  7. Did you remove the IR filter on the webcam? also check that the cam has min of 30 fps at 320 x 240 resolution and just play with the camera settings till it works lol
  8. Actually I just go back north to hunt animals and such, come back to the coast when tummy is filled. Lmfao, I tho rocket fixed alt f4?
  9. for the last couple of months I have been using free-track with a modified logitech webcam and it changed the way I play games, today I got my TrackIR 5 and WOW what a difference everything is so much smooth... anyways I was wondering if any of you guys trying out head tracking on DayZ, I personally think that it makes this game 1000x better when you have head tracking enabled, I just can't explain it just need to show people on videos and stuff lol.
  10. I eat noobs that think they can hide in the mountain snipping newbs near the city. My 107 never misses these kind of noobs :)
  11. anything is possible but i am pretty sure we are not allowed to talk about private stuff, so I would recommend you search on our good buddy google... it knows everything.
  12. sirxazor

    Barbed wire is so dumb

    You shouldn't be so mean to aborted fetus they have souls as well. -beans for you.
  13. sirxazor

    What Graphics Card Should I Choose?

    You should get a Galaxy GTX 680 GC 4GB like myself, but I am getting it because I play games like BF3, FSX, FC2, IL2, etc... and I want to experience 3 monitor setup :)
  14. No I can't believe you guys even took out the gun in the first place. FOR NEW PLAYERS it is VERY difficult to learn without any weapon.
  15. sirxazor

    Your scariest DayZ expierience

    When I first played this game it spawned me at night time, near a town. I decided to go close to the town since there was light over there, as I got closer and closer I believed I saw a person so I headed towards him. When I heard the zombie-like noises and the "person" running towards me I knew exactly what was going on. As I started to sprint into the dark woods I had about 5-6 zombies chasing me... I ran and ran till my water and food icons began to blink red then I just gave up and let the zombies eat me. I also turned the ingame music off after this happened to me... way too scary for me.