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About karlnp

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. We fixed our software issues - TARK and LEM should be stable and online 24/7 from now on. Remember to email dayz@mediumdifficulty.com if there are any problems.
  2. Man... my servers just beat 3TB for the past month's bandwidth. I doubt your ISP would be happy with that, OP.
  3. I'm trying to re-add LEM tonight, but if it doesn't work it'll be down until I can find a decent FireDaemon alternative.
  4. I've had nothing but a great experience with them.
  5. Hey guys! We're back now. Sorry for the outage - I was AFK and the monitoring software I use chose to go kaput.
  6. Thank you! I appreciate you reading and saying so.
  7. i kind of love how immediately my thread got derailed.
  8. Hey thanks, Zog! I really appreciate posts like yours.
  9. Hey everyone, Normally I stick to the server forum, but I have an article up on Medium Difficulty today that I'd really like everyone's feedback on. http://www.mediumdifficulty.com/ Let me know what you think! best, karlnp
  10. karlnp

    This is why some servers don't have vehicles

    Vehicles are a necessity for people to stick around. After you've gotten military drops a few times, the game really loses its shine - tonight a few players said they quit because there was nothing else to do.
  11. thanks guys! Tarkovsky was originally a STALKER reference, and i love Lem so i figured degrees of association okay enough to use them both
  12. Thanks, mojo. I'll be happy to change them when asked, but in the meantime I want to pay tribute to some of my favourite eastern bloc artists.
  13. I'd like to encourage people who encounter server-hopping & disconnecting bandits (who are effectively teleporting) to submit screenshots & names to the dayz@mediumdifficulty.com address.