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About jameswjwong@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Intellectual Extreme Players

    Also interested, far too much time on my hands
  2. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Flawed logic and the vote is skewed, most people bothering to visit here are those wanting the reset. Dupers will still dupe in a matter of days. A lot of legit people will feel hard done by, and turn to the dark side of duping too.
  3. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    http://steamcommunit...561198018959204 Oh, forgot to mention how I aided him a second time, and after he claimed to be coast spawned, gave him my own DMR and MK48, he was cheeky enough to try and trade the MK48 back to me after I praised the gun. Retrospectively should have pulled the plug there, but didnt expect betrayal after all that, if it's self interest, its stupid, he only stole a FAL and rangefinder.
  4. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I shared two of my lone tents, after he asked on steam for storage. Should have been more wary, he stole what little was inside and proceeded to gloat to me about it over steam. So clearly nothing makes him friendly, please blacklist.
  5. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    World's End Gaming | Your DayZ Community!

    Did read that but it was ambiguous, infact no TS mentioned
  6. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    World's End Gaming | Your DayZ Community!

    Actually sounds great, but joining yous a little sketchy? Wouldn't mind some informal banding about though
  7. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Andwii gimme yo' steam
  8. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

    Have read your posts apart from the walls-of-text-directed-at-others, frankly, your sense of sarcasm is balls, and your mates went along with my quote of you without any hint of it. I don't have any double standards, your quote of Ben was obviously made up with no attempt to make it believable, easy you saying it sarcasm now, but even retrospectively again, the reactions of your cronies doesn't show it. As for troll rules, you're just acting hard. Finally Dekz, nailed twice? Do you even know what nailed means here?
  9. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

    None of you acted as if you misquoted Ben, all of you took that seriously (love to see you say otherwise now). and yes I'm still commenting on it, Tyras brought my name back in and slapped me together with Ben, plus random flaming, why wouldn't I chip back in?
  10. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    looking for mature over 18 uk players to join my clan

    It's maybe a tad fucking obvious that you didn't quote him? You made a load of bullshit up? He may of done the same but if so, at least he's done it believably and credit him for that. Also - you're talking as if you have me nailed, you realise I'm not in his clan and have no clue about it either? Notice the only people supporting each others' ridiculous posts are your own squad members, not sure what you're proving by giving each other lol's and kisses in support **I've always taken a laugh, and I don't see where I've shown otherwise in my posts, as for skilled, when did I even show you my game play? Notice I've been impartial and did have a stab at Ben too, but I'm not going to 50-50 my posts when your squad is churning out far more bullshit than the one guy alone.
  11. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    *Shakes head in despair* on my way... steam please
  12. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you haven't got help coming already, I can make it in 10-20 minutes at your word
  13. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'd start AFKing now to let hunger/thirst/cold take you away unfortunately Give me your steammm
  14. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Why Do People Kill Unarmed Players

    May aswell massacre the world and play single player. Also, unarmed people get armed and become medics.
  15. jameswjwong@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Not interested in favours for favours, PM'ed