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About Alphabeta

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  1. This is a use most likely spawning an artillery strike.
  2. Alphabeta

    US 1023 Ban Logs

    For use on other servers and general logging of events that have happened on US 1023 during the last few days. createvehicle.txt [snip]
  3. I recently switched over to using the DayZ Community ban list and filters Files that I downloaded: bans.txt remoteexec.txt createvehicle.txt The DayZ Community files have replaced the old files on the server. It seems to be working, however when I check the scripts.log text file there is almost nothing in there besides a few lines (is this a new feature?) As well, in RCON when the "bans" command is issued nothing is displayed. When a "addban" command is issued the bans are not written to the bans.txt file - they are only writen when a "ban" command is issued. Any reasons as to why this is happening?
  4. Alphabeta

    Hackers are... Good?

    Hey, we were definitely playing with you Aleksandr - killed you a few times in Elektro - was quite fun! Shortly after everyone on the server was teleported into the air and died upon impact. Along with him teleporting users he was also making himself invisible and shooting a few people in remote locations. A brief snippet from the remoteexec.log 21.08.2012 18:34:49: Zen ( c1c0ff7be67fba89a1d6d4ec29fe6c98 - #0 "if (isnil ("bInvisibleOn")) then {objMYPlayer hideObject true;};" Sorry about your loss on the server, it happens. I totally agree - the clan that plays on this server doesn't hoard EVERY vehicle - just a few cars and an atv. It's no fun when there's no risk/reward by having every vehicle/weapon. The server US 1023 is NEVER locked for any type of "testing". It does however restart every 12 hours (used to be every 6) via an automated script. It's much more challenging to have other people driving around in vehicles/heli's.
  5. On 08.08.2012 15:04:10 user Robert was found spawning vehicles and setting elements on fire on the US 1023 Server. USER DETAILS User: Robert IP: GUID: b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 LOG DETAILS 08.08.2012 15:04:10: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #39 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; 08.08.2012 15:04:10: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #58 his] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; processInitCommands; }; if (_v iskindof "tank") then { _int 08.08.2012 15:04:10: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #39 1]; sleep 0.05; _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A 08.08.2012 15:21:30: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #58 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t]; processInitCommands; }; }; 08.08.2012 15:21:30: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #104 velocity _v select 2; if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0 08.08.2012 15:08:33: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #39 locity [0,0,-0.1]; if (local _v) then { _v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BI 08.08.2012 15:08:33: Robert ( b9c3f150206432e00d87a62ccbf2dc66 - #58 true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn",_int, _t]; processInitCommands; [_v,_int,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Seco
  6. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    Like I've said before. There are no other bans that we have placed besides the default bans.txt list. As well, Rocket encourages clans to host their own server to call it home. You sure know that when you're entering a clan server that they'll have some decent camps setup with multiple vehicles. I certainly go around to clan servers and enjoy a challenge of finding those tents and looting them. This is part of the game. Enjoy a challenge. I'm not quite sure why you're still complaining. In the logs it appeared as though you had teleported to that location as there was no previous movement with the character with a HUGE jump in distance between logins. It was extremely odd to land a heli in a secluded location FAR from any location and then be killed upon exiting the heli. With DayZ servers currently being bombarded by hackers that do similar things it's hard not to speculate. A temp ban was set and literally after 5 minutes removed. Feel free to play on the server. James' ban was removed as well. This thread can be closed.
  7. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    It depends on how you define "fair". If you define fair fighting by having an ex-member of the clan give away positions to your group or friends (while being on the clan teamspeak) and having everyone get into position on another server then sure. I doesn't really matter, it happened and good for you - no argument in that. The people that had temp bans put in place were all found in the same location based upon logs. At a quick glance it appeared as though the users teleported to that location with knowledge that there is a heli/users in the secluded location. The bans did not stay in place for more than 15 minutes.
  8. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    I'm one of the server admins on US 1023 - just to let you know those "rules" are not followed. We do not kick/ban users for ghosting lightly (even though it's considered an exploit by rocket) - however, if there are enough complaints about this regarding a specific user who is abusing this then they will be banned from the server. It only seems fair to other players on the server. On the servers I have played on most admins do shut down the server after a hacker presence is known. Be it teleporting, mass killing, spawning or other abusive actions. It seems as though DayZ in the last few weeks has become infested with hackers and it's becoming harder to differentiate between them and legitimate users. It's much easier to temporarily remove a user from the server and fully examine the logs than it is to not do anything and have "hackers" running through the server time after time. Another heads up, the US 1023 ban list is the default ban list. There are not other bans. The 3 temp bans put in place have been removed in under 30 minutes. There's nothing wrong with an active admin team on ANY DayZ server. This is usually the case, an incident happened a week ago where a hacker was reported but no admin was around and within a few minutes the entire server was killed. It could have been prevented by a simple restart and temp ban on that user.
  9. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    No you're not banned. No one is banned on the server besides default bans. As for Starry... That was you! Heard DMR shots being fired at another member and we went with the heli... Was quite fun.
  10. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    This morning it was reported that a user "The Scrubs" and "Threatty"(or similar, cannot recall) were disconnecting under fire and reconnecting back in tree cover. None of your "clan" or friends are banned. If logs are needed for a dispute with DayZ Server mods/admins they will be provided.
  11. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    What was odd is that the same GUID's were jumping around ghosting as found in the logs.
  12. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    There are not other bans beside James and one other person. (Besides the default bans.txt) - feel free to play on the server. You are not banned. Neither is The Scrubs.
  13. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    Yeah, was definitely odd going to a secluded location and having everyone insta-die. Without knowing what or who did that and not knowing if that person was a hacker and could teleport the rest of the server the server was shut down. Now, knowing that it was a planned act - kudos. Well played. You'll have some nice footage since you were recording the teamspeak as well.
  14. Alphabeta

    Banned from US 1023 to "check logs"

    You were not banned. Neither was your friend. I was not even in game during the time your and a few other members were shooting/getting shot at.