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Tenebris Draco

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Everything posted by Tenebris Draco

  1. Tenebris Draco

    Steam Has no "Launch as Combined Operations" Option.

    I think right clicking on OA will bring up another option for it, if you haven't already tried. And doesn't DayZ commander have the Steam overlay option as well?
  2. Tenebris Draco

    DayZ Battleeye Ban?

  3. Tenebris Draco

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Friendly ya? Oh...wait...NO *Gunshots, firefight erupts :D*
  4. I don't know about Takistan and Fallujah, to much desert x3 Tho, I've been mostly just playing on Chernaurus and I've been happy with that :P
  5. Well, personally. I love Arma 2 for Arma 2. DayZ is a lot of fun when you have friends and it works. But, I really can't suggest getting Arma if your only going to play DayZ right now. DayZ Standalone is set to hit in December, if you can wait till then.
  6. Tenebris Draco

    Arma2 OA (Glitch?) problem.

    When that happened to me I went through the Reinstall process of OA again, if you type that error in on Google you'll get pages that should help.
  7. Tenebris Draco

    Arma2 OA (Glitch?) problem.

    I think running Steam as Admin then starting the game should work.
  8. Tenebris Draco

    Concerned about Standalone Interiors

    They would most likely fix the problem with them slowing then when you run through a building ya.
  9. Tenebris Draco

    Burning Barrels Tents Etc

    There are Barrels that you can walk up to and hit Light barrel or something like that. They are mostly in the major cities, tho.
  10. Tenebris Draco

    100% NEW! Couple Questions.

    Six Launcher is good for people who play the base game with mods, it's extremely helpful. But yes, if your only gonna be playing DayZ, your better off getting DayZ Commander.
  11. Tenebris Draco


    Ah, I didn't know the Vodnik had a back gun, my bad. Then okay, sounds like a good convoy then heh Just gotta hope you have good drivers and gunners then. "If you get shot at, speed the fuck up :P"
  12. Tenebris Draco

    I am angry at deathmatch.

    I try to be friendly as well, but it's hard when everyone wants your brains against the wall.
  13. Tenebris Draco


    If I can give a suggestion.... Put a Humvee in the back? Put the vodnik in second or third. And ya, keep the Ambulance and Refuel in the middle...would suggest getting another convoy vehicle, tho.
  14. Tenebris Draco

    I am angry at deathmatch.

    Sorry bro, but that's how people are in this game. Had a little kid call me a bitch once after he killed me, twas kinda funny actually. But trust me, after awhile you'll get used to dying a lot :3, and how the populace of DayZ react to other people outside there group. Tho, I can't say this for all groups, I've met people who I have partied up with, you just need to find the right people and get lucky Also, NWAF is a pretty big PVP spot anyway.
  15. Tenebris Draco

    I am angry at deathmatch.

    You know what they were probably thinking? "This guy is PROBABLY gonna try and kill us" Even tho you might have not, people are scared like that. And they will put a round in your head without question.
  16. Battleye didn't ban you... It was a admin ban, the admin of the server banned you from the server.
  17. Tenebris Draco

    Addon requires ca dubbing counterattack

    Might help buying Arma 2 >.> Just sayin~ As for the problem your having, it might be because of Arma 2 free, just my guess, Or play with Six, might wanna try DayZ commander as well.
  18. Ehh, I, personally, haven't experienced to many hackers. Then again, I haven't played DayZ in a bit as well. So I'm not sure about the problems. For the most part, you just need to get lucky. Sometimes you won't, and you will end up getting hacked And if you aren't liking DayZ, if you really did shell out 2k for your rig, there are other games. Like that game Arma 2 =3 Just remember, don't get attached to your gear mate
  19. Tenebris Draco

    Thank the lord

    Totally forgot that came out today... And ya, it is quiet o.o
  20. Tenebris Draco

    Guys like this keep me playing

  21. Tenebris Draco

    Head on car crash

    That's, once again, an Arma thing. You don't take damage from hitting objects while driving a car. Hell the car barely takes any damage as well ACE mod on the other hand, hit a tree head on once, my passanger and I got knocked out, the cars tires blew out, and my gunner almost died. :3
  22. Tenebris Draco

    Head on car crash

    The glitcheyness is a Arma thing. Tho that wasn't to glitchy actually x3
  23. Tenebris Draco

    Loot not spawning? No zombies?

    Might wanna try Chernaurus and see if it's happening on there, as said above, the extra maps aren't 100% working with the loot and such.
  24. Tenebris Draco

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    DayZ on ALL the maps~ I can't wait to see CLAfghan as a map tbh, if you don't know what it is look it up :3