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Everything posted by shadownick

  1. Yesterday after breaking our asses for 2 hours finding food and parts for our UAZ we got it finally running. We pick up two people located throughout the map. On the way to one we were shot at by a sniper. The other one we found a pickup truck. So after picking everyone up we sat around for an hour or so just to do personal things. It was around 5pm (GMT -4) that another friend wanted to link up with us in Solinchy so we drive down from the north to pick him up and we run into a ambush full of douche bags who were camping the spawn. We had to do a full 360 under fire from 2 AS50s and 3 aks. We drove away and stopped at the car factory in less then a minute a military offroad truck drove up and they all got out. As I drove away the tires were popped and the two of us were killed. The other two players haul ass to the gas station and the factory. While they were doing that me and friend luckily spawned in Three Valleys and Solinchy. We begin to run to find a gun when my friend hops into their truck and drives off. No one even noticed. I find a enfield and begin running towards the bridge. I shoot one guy named "Felipe" and then another guy. "Felipe" Alt-F4s and the other guy dies. 10 seconds latter my 2 other friends die and then server is shut down. How nice... the server owners are a bunch of assholes who shut down the server because they died. - The server was US 531 ( They shut the server down completely http://www.gametrack....6.113.40:2332/. They actually just opened it this morning. EDIT: Is this allowed or not?
  2. shadownick

    US 531 - Closed server after death.

    I'm sorry your goober spelling isn't allowed her. The main problem is the server shut down and never came back up and then disappeared till the next morning. The main thing was, is it allowed or not. No need for your coon shit,
  3. You know my post was a joke. Infact I kill everyone I dont know or people who actually say their friendly.
  4. shadownick

    Your GFX Card And How It Runs.

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130593 I had this since 2010, I replaced it not too long ago for the new GTX 670 for my birthday.
  5. shadownick

    What's your guilt moment?

    Frankly I could care less I would kill them with a hatchet if he had an Atlas bag. I only have a coyote with a m249.
  6. You should be killed if you kill too many people. Finally, you should be crucified in Cherno above the fire pits around the town square. Or you should be a hooker where you are killed by a hatchet everytime you spawn by your pimp.
  7. shadownick

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Hi there I'm looking for a group of serious players like you guys. I used to be in a group but it turned out they were a bunch of douche bags. I'm a serious player and I have played this mod since April. I live in New York (-GMT 5), so I live on the east coast and I'm available at anytime if you message me. Name: ShadowNick Steam Name: ShadowNick1 I do I have TS3 and hope to be playing with you guys in the near future.
  8. shadownick

    Disappearing Inventory when swimming

    Don't go into water out of breath usually that's what prevents it.
  9. shadownick

    Murders Sometimes Not Saving After Logging

    I was about to say if you were murdered and it didn't say "You Died" then I'm having the same problem.
  10. shadownick

    Zombies are spawning in ArmA2 main campaign

    XD Sounds fun now you can play with zombies how fun.
  11. What happened: I joined a server after disconnected an hour ago and I found myself at Otmel with all my stuff gone. Where you were: Elektro Hospital Roof What you were doing: Nothing I rejoined the server and all my stuff was gone. *Current installed version: 1.5.7 *Server(s) you were on: Virginia 14 *Your system specs: CPU: Intel Core i5 760 @ 2.80GHz Lynnfield 45nm Technology RAM: 4.00 GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 668MHz Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC. Maximus III Formula Graphics: GeForce GTX 670 (EVGA) Monitor: DX-24E150A11 (1920x1080@60Hz) Hard Drives: 625GB Western Digital WDC WD6401AALS-00J7B0 ATA Device (SATA) Optical Drives: ATAPI iHAS324 B ATA Device Audio: NVIDIA High Definition Audio *Timeline of events before/after error: -Well I sat on the roof shooting people for about an hour straight with a M4A1 CCO. -Got off after not seeing anyone for another 1/2 hour. -Rejoin and found myself at Otmel with non of my stuff and only a makarov. -Disconnected and rage quit.
  12. shadownick

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Shot up 22 people in 30 minutes. Disconnect after an hour of not seeing anyone. Join again, I'm dead how nice. Anyway I had some pretty damn good encounters with survivors, I sit on Elektro Hospital Roof wait for survivors to come up the ladders and roof of PD across the street or power plant and shoot them. I had a group of 6 survivors storm the town with Winchesters only and only 1 survived and aborted.
  13. Here are some moments and gameplay in the view of a bandit against other players during combat. Nothing to big but we are huge assholes by the definition of survivors. We are now a group of 6 now we were 7 but the retard we had didn't know from is left to his right and couldn't listen to orders. Anyway we are elite bandits and we try to play as serious as we can because this game can become unforgiving if one of us makes the wrong move like throwing a frag when we don't know how to, or when not to fire or hide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRF97a4upSQ&feature=relmfu _______________ Here are picks of us before we became City Dwellers.
  14. shadownick

    Post 1.5.7 brigandry

    Just go on a roof and shoot people when they walk in our area.