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About xPandaHunterx

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Da Fuq?! It was getting out of hand? So what, newer players should have no protection against bullies like you? If they come across you, they should just bow down, and take a bullet? Screw that! Everyone will (and should) be fighting 'til their last drop of blood. It doesn't matter if they have a crowbar, a makarov, or an M4A1 COO SD. And all of that Alt+f4 nonsense?... You are going to get ripped apart in this thread...
  2. xPandaHunterx

    Keep spawning with no ammo

    Sorry, but this mod is still in Alpha. Sometimes, the backback (and inventory system in general) just eats items. Same thing happened to me with my M4A1 COO SD. She's just going to have to get some more.
  3. I have an M24... I actually came across an AS50, but left it behind in favor of my M24.
  4. xPandaHunterx

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    You should get a tape recorder and record all day. Then, play it back. You may be surprised...
  5. xPandaHunterx

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    *sigh* Did you even read what Rocket said? He loves the mod, and loves the community, and wants to eventually expand that community. What the f#ck do you care? He doesn't want to change your game in any way. Some time down the road, he just wants to port some of the amazing experience that we pc users have had over to some consoles. Is that really so bad? Is it such a horrible thing that he wants more people to be able to enjoy DayZ? The games that get "dumbed down" are titles who's developers are simply looking to increase their revenue stream by taking their original product and using resources and development time to make sure that the title is as widely available at release. So what makes this different from those titles? You are not going to see: DayZ - Available October 13th for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PSP, Nintendo DS, and Windows Live. ^ That is what is "dumbing down" your games. Not consoles. Greed. Please don't freak out, people. Rocket knows what he's doing.
  6. xPandaHunterx

    Bleeding Corpses

    Are you sure he was dead? There is a good chance you happened across an unconscious man that was bleeding out and needed medical attention - and you just took his beans and went on your way? You're a monster!
  7. xPandaHunterx

    Single player prologue

    I had a very similar idea a while back. Is this what you're thinking of? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46366-if-dayz-was-ever-made-into-a-stand-alone-game-would-you-be-open-to-a-single-player-experience-eventually-being-included/#entry441305
  8. xPandaHunterx

    What is your Humanity?

    I'm a loner, so I don't get many chances to heal up team mates. My humanity is around 3080
  9. xPandaHunterx

    How to use your flashlight?

    You have to reload it because Arma 2 doesn't have melee weapons. The "axe" is actually a gun.
  10. xPandaHunterx

    What about Green Mountain?

    It's said that the outbreak first began atop that mountain. Most people that go through it die within an hour or two. Also, it has become a popular place for the "jason" hackers (hackers with a character model that has a bloody hockey mask and carry around an axe while playing music sung by young children over chat) to find their prey. If you are on a populated server, there's a good chance that one of these hackers is running around that area. I'd just stay clear.
  11. xPandaHunterx

    Random Ships Around The Map In Dayz.

    Any good loot? Could you even get in the ship?
  12. xPandaHunterx

    How to update?

    If you are playing Arma 2 just for DayZ, you should do yourself a favor and download DayZ Commander. Seriously, it makes playing this mod really easy. Six launcher is alright, but is more for if you use mods other than DayZ as well. Just get DayZ Commander.
  13. xPandaHunterx

    Drinking Mountain Dew at Green Mountain!

    Drop that shit immediately and walk away. Trust me.