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Posts posted by Reggiostar

  1. I also think the hunting knife should be able to be used as weapon, just to have ~something~ when you can't find a hatchet. And a knife that you can't use as a weapon really confuses.

    To make it clear, at the moment the knife only is used to gut animals (Action Menu, after you killed it so you get raw meat in the inventory of the animal). And a hatchet, as said, is also useful for cutting some wood to make a fire and cook meat. I personally prefer this much over canned food, as it heals much better and you easily have a more or less secure income of it.

    And if you ever get your toolbelt completely occupied: respect. I wonder if it is even possible. I think there aren't even more tools in DayZ than toolbelt slots, so that is your last worry for sure. Better be glad it doesn't occupy another valuable inventory slot!

  2. The only way to get around the issue OP posted is. Changing people is often a difficult process and is in this cause....hopeless.

    1. Survivors setup their own server were KOS leads to ban.

    2. Mod is updated so it is possible to enable so called pvp areas on the map where rest is pve.

    I think a warning or so when you kill somebody newly spawned would help. But regulation always is very problematic. I just hope people will become a bit more mature when they are playing some time.

    But I also had a bad experience some days ago. I spawned in Komarovo and was looking for a hatchet near the docks. Suddenly a player comes around the corner with a hatchet and just starts running towards me. Well, I naturally start running too and talk to him in VoiceChat that teaming up would make more sense and that I don't have anything. He doesn't answer and after one minute we get shot by another retard. Just freaking disappointing.

    Especially as you have much higher chances of survival as a team. Killing somebody with bad gear and looting will probably not prolong your life as much as teaming up with them. Maybe some day people will realize that.

  3. Well, if you look around you will find the sniper hotspots quite fast. They almost always are near the forest, as the ghillie suit only is suitable for that. Forest near the air strips, forest near Cherno... Think like a sniper and imagine where you would want to hide.

    Came across a survivor the other day (actually, I almost stumbled over him). He was just standing there, so I guess he was fiddling with his gear. Would have shot him immediately, but he had a crowbar. So I said in voice chat "Run out in into the field and away from here. You leave, I let you go, we each go on our way. Pull a weapon and I kill you"

    Nothing happens for about 10 seconds, then the guy pulls out a makarov. Bad move when someone has an enfield pointed at your head.

    That's what I would do too.

  4. Haven't you seen the stories about people getting killed out of no where, or getting teleported into the ocean, or 10 KM up high in the sky? Or the buildings that appear out of nowhere, with weapon crates nearby which contain any weapon you can think of? Or the teleporting machinegun wielding zombies?

    By the way, +1 to the DayZ team and everyone who reported those cheaters!

    Honestly these ideas sound quite worth a laugh

    EDIT: Without wanting to defend anybody though
