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Hero Star

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Everything posted by Hero Star

  1. I'm looking for a popular US private hive, with good server up time. Let me know thanks.
  2. Hero Star

    Operation Dogfight -- Private Servers

    I'm interested in playing here, is there a whitelist I need to be on, or do I just join? I'm currently re-installing Arma 2 CO, its been a while since I've played.
  3. Hero Star

    What happened to my wittle dude?

    Oh you mean your character, nvm
  4. Hero Star

    What happened to my wittle dude?

    Apply lotion directly to the skin.
  5. Got my beta, thanks stormster! To all you skeptics, HATERS GON HATE! SEE YOU ON THE FLIP SIDE!
  6. Hero Star

    Anyone know where the dogs are?

    Frickin furries...
  7. Could make player bases like old school Star Wars Galaxies' faction base placement was. And if you are not affiliated with that base, then you can't server hop and load into the base, you'll just load outside the base a set number of meters away.
  8. People are making building a cheap high end computer way too complicated. Here's how to do it in about 5 minutes and for around $600: 1 - Go to http://www.newegg.com/ 2 - Go to Computer Hardware 3 - Click on each of the necessary pieces of hardware for building a PC from scratch and sort by "Best Rating". Choose the cheapest of the first 4-5 products that show up at the top. You will need: -Computer Case -CPU -CD/DVD Drive -Hard Drive -Memory -Motherboard -Power Supply -Video Card Add them to cart and check out. That's it! You now have a PC that can run every game out there on the highest(Ultra) settings very smoothly.
  9. And yes, it will be able to run everything out there on max settings.
  10. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know we were assuming the readers have the intelligence of a gourd.
  11. Hero Star

    Arma 2's mechanics make dayz lame

    Military tactics > quick mouse finger
  12. Hero Star

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Bronys before Hoenys!
  13. Hero Star

    DayZ Hunger Games - will be streamed live

    Gonna be one LONG ass deathmatch...
  14. Skip to 11:00 This guy's voice OMG. And the mumbling about the bomb HAHAHAHA.
  15. This is a good idea actually. There should be a DayZ "missed connections" forums, like on Craigslist. Haha.
  16. You should be a sad panda, because no one is going to read that long ass post. Very sad indeed. Seriously, its a fucking video game. Who has that much time or that much to say about it?
  17. You don't need Nexuiz. Thats a different game all together, you must have accidentally hit download.
  18. I use the Six Launcher program. Should I manually up Dayz to the current version?
  19. There are ways to obtain guns whether they are legal or not, just like drugs. Heck, guns aren't even hard to make. Just think how many lives could have been saved at Aurora, CO if one of the movie goers had a gun.
  20. Hero Star

    Massive DayZ Overhaul

    Like someone previously said. This is still in Alpha. So be prepared to wait a while, or at least do some bug testing. You people have it so easy. I've been waiting for one of my favorite games, SWGEmu, to get finished for around 12 years(I can't believe it's been that long!) and it has just now hit Alpha. Day Z has such an extreme following that once Rocket decides to partner up with someone, very soon, there are going to big such huge and fast strides in development that its going to become very very enjoyable. Until then, play when you feel like it and when you don't, play something else or do something else.
  21. this what happened in the last game i played hackers ruined it for everyone dupin rares and gold and just anything to cheat there no extened maintenance there trying to catch the hacker :( and we pay for it so unless people don't let GM'S know of wrong doing's in the game it we ruin it and there we not be a DAYZ IT WELL BE GONE TO THE AMERICANS!!!!!!! :(