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7 Neutral

1 Follower

About LoveElectricity

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. LoveElectricity

    Interested in teaming up? O:

    I would also like to join up if you want a third companion, Steam ID - ys | sleep
  2. LoveElectricity

    Looking For Group, USA, EST.

    I'm willing to team up with anyone these dayz ( ;) ) Steam ID - ys | sleep
  3. LoveElectricity

    Looking For a Consistent Partner on DayZ

    I'll join up, Steam ID - ys | sleep
  4. LoveElectricity

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    I'll team up as well, Steam ID - ys | asleep
  5. LoveElectricity

    Heroes few and far between?

  6. LoveElectricity

    I want friends...

    Request sent, Steam - lvl | blu
  7. LoveElectricity

    Looking for small group

    I'll join up with you, Steam ID - lvl | blue
  8. LoveElectricity

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm unsure if whether or not I should be posting this request here, but here it goes. I somehow ended up dying after logging in tonight, yet I'm unable to re-spawn and I can only stare at my dead body. Is there anyway for someone to bring me back to life or at least shoot me so I can start new again?
  9. LoveElectricity

    New player looking for help?

    I'll help you out, Steam - Mos Blu
  10. LoveElectricity

    Looking for DayZ partner/s

    I'll join up, Steam - Mos Blu
  11. LoveElectricity

    Group up north of cherno

    Inv sent, on my way to Cherno now
  12. LoveElectricity

    Noob/Survivor friendly servers.

  13. LoveElectricity

    Need some people to play with/also i need a morphine

    I'm a few kilometers north of Kamenka so I don't have a problem with helping you out, as long as you don't mind waiting for me to reach you of course.
  14. LoveElectricity

    Looking to team up. No bandits please.

    I will ride with you into town, Steam - Same name as on here
  15. LoveElectricity

    Looking for a friend

    I am also available to partner up, Steam name is the same as on here.