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Rudie (DayZ)

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About Rudie (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Rudie (DayZ)

    Trolls on the wikia

    wow half his penis was chopped off wtf :D
  2. Rudie (DayZ)


    At that present moment intime the thought of searching on this forum slipped my mind, ever so sorry TWAT.
  3. Rudie (DayZ)

    Looking to trade 2 Antibiotics

    I would love to eat yours :D
  4. Rudie (DayZ)

    The true downfall of DayZ - If not resolved.

    Agree that the hacking has to stop some how. Agree with what this young anal virgin says too
  5. Rudie (DayZ)


    Oh ye always forget to use it, and oh wait your a twat
  6. Rudie (DayZ)


    Was just on a server, just started up so had fock all weopens etc, then suddenly me and I noticed others were teleported to some kind of large base/camp called Thunderdome. Any1 know wtf happend?
  7. Listen scholar, go take a break, go smoke some weed, drink some beer, see your missis/boyfriends,go toss 1 off over your best m8s mom, relex and then go take a big shit. This game wont change just like that because your throwing your teddies out the pram.
  8. We could grow some beautiful tree's to smoke, would make the screen all hazy and blurred :)
  9. Last night, I had a hatchet. Seen another guy with a hatchet. So I followed him not intending to kill him but just to let him know I wasnt a threat, we were being chased by about 15 zombies and when we were running behind houses to lose the trail I could hear him swinging his axe at me ( missed ) so I knew he wasnt friendly, so the funny part is he got taken down by the zombies and was crawling around, I killed the couple of z's with my axe then ultimatley took time watching him squirm about like a little worm rolling about, so I killed him. Next thing is I ran along the coast and see a goat, I kill the goat and then it tells me it has meat on it ( but I couldnt loot the meat ) then I see a cow literally in deep water as if he was goin for a swim so I swiped it a couple of times with the axe then BAM I get kicked by battle eye. WTF Happened?
  10. Rudie (DayZ)

    Somebody come kill me please.

    I wanted to die earlier ingame, was completley lost. Tree upon tree as far as the eye could see. So in the end I died of dehydration which took feckin ages to make my health go down I was making breakfast whilst I died :D
  11. Try this my friend http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45202-fix-for-being-kicked/
  12. Rudie (DayZ)


    If only I would have seen this thread last Thursday :) Thankyou sorted now can play
  13. Well for me, I realised that in my Steam folder, it only viewed ARMA OA. I opened it up to see ARMA on its own... Verified cache on both, ran both - then joined Six Launcher and joined a server with no kick. Solved for me.