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Everything posted by Steveox152

  1. Steveox152

    The new North

    Yeah I have been impressed with the detail of the cities so far. I feel like the north needs to be more spread out. Right now it is similar to the mod so all of the players seems to go to the same couple areas. Things need to be spread out so that every player doesnt go to the same military base.
  2. Steveox152

    What's the current situation with blood?

    The Saline bag with regenerate your blood back to the full amount. This will give you full health and color back. To use the saline you must combine it with an IV Start Kit. Most saline bags I have found have already had the IV start kit attached to them. If it has an IV it will say Saline IV. You will need another player to give you the saline, you cannot give it to yourself. To use a blood bag you first need to test your blood to see what blood type that you need. Certain blood types can mix with other blood types and you can find that on the guide listed above. To do a transfusion, someone must use a blood bag and fill it with blood. Then you combine the FULL blood bag with an IV start kit to create a blood bag IV. Once you do that someone else can administer it to you. In both cases you need another player. A few things to keep in mind are that the blood test kit can only be used once, so if you need to test two peoples blood then you will need two kits. The blood bag I believe removes 5000 blood from you but gives the recipient much less than that. Saline is the best way to gain your blood back if you can find it.
  3. So I found some other threads pertaining to No Message Received but they were about people that get that message and it doesnt go away. My issue is that I keep getting it for about 30 seconds at a time about every 10 minutes. Any ideas?
  4. Steveox152


    Our server is new but we hope to get it pretty busy soon
  5. Rated XY Gaming is a new community that is involved in DayZ. Check out our server Or check out our brand new site and register rated-xy.enjin.com Even if you dont want to join...come have fun in the server..always looking for some competition. Bandits beware
  6. Steveox152

    Looking for some laid back/fun loving people to play with.

    Check out my server. My friends are cool and we always have a good time
  7. Steveox152

    How do me an my buddies spawn together

    You need to pay attention to the bottom right of the screen and it will tell you what city you are in. Use a map and road signs to figure out where you and your friends are. Finding each other is one of the biggest parts of the game.
  8. Steveox152

    cant play server help please.

    Sounds like a problem with the server. There probably isnt anything that you can do. Until you die its not going to let you respawn. But it seems like it wont let you die. Might have to find another server unless you know the admin.
  9. Fair admins and tons of extra vehicles scattered around the world.
  10. Steveox152

    Rated-XY Gaming

    Rated-XY Gaming is a Social Group dedicated to multiple games and platforms. We and other members have been playing a range of games together for almost 7 years. We have maintained forums and clans in the past that exceeded 100 members. This is a new venture for us that we hope to share with all of you. Dont see a game you like as part of our community? Feel free to start one up. We all know that DayZ can be a difficult game to play by yourself. It is a much more enjoyable experience when you have a good support system behind you, and people that will help you out with supplies if you need them. Rated-XY Gaming is a revival of our years of gaming experience that is now moving onto PC. We are currently active in DayZ and have recently purchased our first server. We have a private hive through DayZ.st. We also have a teamspeak voice server that is open for use by our community. We hope to be able to expand our teamspeak capabilities to meet the needs of a large community. We hope to add more servers in the future and voice capabilities in the future. Some of our members will be streaming DayZ as well as recording gameplay. If this is something that you are interested in then feel free to do that. We hope that Rated-XY will become a user drive community, that will be able to support itself with some critical overwatch from the admin's. Rated-XY is not here to make rules and dictate how you play the game or even what games you want to play. We are just here to provide a good starting point for people to join up with other like minded players and enjoy the games that we all love. Here our some opportunities the Rated-XY offer to new members 1. Access to our forums that are moderated and ran by expierienced moderators. 2. The opportunity to advance and run your own team for a specific game. 3. Our members are always there to help anyone that needs help. 4. You will have access to all of the latest news and game info on the latest games Rated-XY is looking for base members as well as leadership members, some of the examples of those positions are: Game Leaders Moderators These positions do not come easily you must show dedication and show that you have the ability to do the job. If anyone is interested in becoming a member of the community but is not interested in being part of a clan you are still able to be part of the Rated-XY community. Check out our brand new website. ( Dont forget its new!!) http://rated-xy.enjin.com/
  11. We have just started a new private hive server. All are welcome to come and play. We are looking for fun people that enjoy having a good time. I have spawned repaired vehicles and what not on the server but mostly we want to get a bigger group to explore and scavange. My sn is Steveox152. IP = : 3255
  12. Steveox152

    Rated-XY Gaming Looking for Friendly Players

    Not a clan just fun people to play with
  13. Steam - Steveox152 Im not a bandit..looking for people that actually like exploring and killing bandits
  14. Im in US 478 And on Teamspeak 3 in the DayZ Survivor HQ (Hosted by Adrenaline Gaming) Group 2 Im from US and am 24 years old Come on in
  15. Send me a PM on here to exchange info..Playing to survive..just looking to get a decent team together
  16. Steveox152

    Unofficial DayZ Teamspeak Server

    anybody in there that wants to play right now
  17. Steveox152

    3Com Recruiting for DayZ...

    Im new but I could use people to play with..interested in joining serious players
  18. Steveox152

    Small Tactical Group Looking For New Buddys

    Im new but im looking for people to play with Skype is steveox152
  19. Hey guys im looking for people to play with and show me the ropes...Im new to this game but im not new to gaming so I catch on fast..Just kinda overwhelmed right now trying to survive for more than 5 minutes. 24 Yrs old Teamspeak 3 and Skype Thanks
  20. I also just started playing and am looking for people to play with Steam : Steveox152