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About ballswag

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  1. looking for new players in a new server. trying to get higher numbers in this server. any player aloud. any ping level. just join and have fun, if u need help feel free to ask for it on the side chat. server name--------------------------us 1779
  2. i died last night so i gave up on dayz for the night. today i go and hang out with my girlfriend come on about 10 minutes ago. global ban? please explain?
  3. ballswag

    [TRADING] High End Gear

    skype name is not working. i got as many ghillies u want. (clan camp stocked) need nato rounds man.
  4. ballswag

    Day 2: The day I became a murderer.

    omg i guess im not the only asshole... haha camping ubove electro with ghillie and 50.cal sniper
  5. ballswag


    open ur bag away from any loot or anything on the ground and just switch them.
  6. ballswag

    Heli crash site questions

    just scroll around the heli. if u go to the back u can find an option called gear.
  7. wait 5-10 minutes for the server database to catch that u have new or more guns added to ur player. they did this so if u kill a guy or find something u cant alt f4 out with a good gun. also prevents server hopping. if anyone needs help with supplys add me on skype: ballswag
  8. think about what u just said.
  9. i need a new back pack, anything that can cary 2 guns. and a .50 cal sniper rifle. if u can get those i would trade.
  10. ballswag

    Playing now..Looking for people

    do u got skype? i need more people to play with
  11. yes i need a partner
  12. 2 days only but i feel im quit skilled edit: go on steam :)
  13. need people to team with still i got a couple people added but im still not ingame :/ if anyone wants to i urge u to leave ur skype name bellow. i got a ak74 and a revolver.... need better so i need to go to the airfeild or something. but i need a team mate to assist me. i will not turn my gun on u..... not wearth my ammo... cause i got none :o
  14. ballswag

    Looking for DayZ partner

    i need more people. i will add you :o
  15. ballswag

    need people to team with

    well idk if its ballswag or not but im pre sure it is but haha yes! :D