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Everything posted by DieVirulenz

  1. DieVirulenz

    Corrupted data detected Error NEED HELP

    Have you checked the version of the server you try to connect to and the version of DayZ that is displayed on the mainscreen?
  2. DieVirulenz

    Anyone else enjoying the game so far?

    So far I love it. I weren't able to play a lot as of yet but what I saw was already at least double as smooth as the mod. The new engine really takes it to a new immersion level. I also enjoy not having to courch an prone ALL OF THE TIME because there spawn Zomzoms all around me... I enjoy just wandering around in emptyness and search for loot. To sum it up: They are on a PERFECT track and all I saw until now is much more than just promising. I would recommend it to everyone!
  3. DieVirulenz

    Can You Use Skype For DayZ?

    I think it should yes...but I never tried it.
  4. DieVirulenz

    DayZ artifacts glitch fix! [Temporarily]

    thanks for the tip
  5. DieVirulenz

    how to alter voice in dayz

    Scared humans tend to make mistakes...
  6. DieVirulenz

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    OMG14pagesorly? Maybe we need a Bronie-Skin? Would definetley take some stress off the non bronies, because I think they might become a "slightly" more interesting "game" for the bandits...
  7. Well I join a new server EVERYTIME I do a Zombie infested survival training. I dont have a favorite one as of yet and I would NOT call that an exploit... Regarding the question: If possible I would suggest you hop in to play at your personal nighthours. I usually find the most enjoyable ppl are online at times where most ppl sleep...especially children :P So go in from about 1am-5am, low pop server, you propably wont even see anyone and can get in and out in no time, easy as cake.
  8. I heared about this server once before...I think it was in a galaxy far far away...
  9. DieVirulenz

    The easy ways of getting rid of zombies.

    I'm definetley pro Necrobumping!!!! This word just sounds awesome...and weird at the same time ^^ Also thanks for the tips!
  10. DieVirulenz


    Such a pitty, not everything in the whole world is just plug an play...UNBELIEVABLE!
  11. DieVirulenz

    Nerf the zombies...

    In my opinion there should really be different kinds of zombies. About the amount of "normal" slow ones as it is atm. They shouldn´t be able to follow you at all when you run. These could be much more then, to produce a real crowd of them. And then there might be some higher tier Zombies, wich might be fast, more damage, etc... But I think all this is already planned for the standalone and would have been done in the alpha, if the engine provided the necessary base objects.
  12. DieVirulenz

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    They are just another characteristic of the common Troll. Not more not less. They find something they just know that it will piss off a lot of ppl and generate hate, and dig it because they enjoy this. I totally understand that :P Also I think they cartoon the masculin stereotypes by doing so, though I guess many of them also want to show everyone by doing so, if in fun or not, that they are more "evolved" for not caring if other find that uhhh "faggish" or something.
  13. DieVirulenz

    The number one thing I hate about DayZ...

    Chilling at a fire, building blood, eating like pigs...sounds like a typicall day to me =)
  14. DieVirulenz

    How to get the humanity up?

    I thought, they removed the morphing of your sking based on humanity?
  15. DieVirulenz

    My Camp!

    I´m totally with you there :) I´m soo looking forward to persistent basebuilding *dreaming*
  16. DieVirulenz

    12k hackers banned my ass

    I play mostly on lowly populated servers, never seen any hacker so far. If I do and get killed...well nature of the game. I wont get angry, in the end they loose, I know they are weak persons mostly, and well if he can just find this way of gaming entertainig...so be it. But I would NEVER EVER complain about it. That´s just feeding them bobs the tears they so much hunger for :P
  17. DieVirulenz


    Hmmm ever considered stopping to give pointless feedback?
  18. In general the suggestions and your setup look perfectly fine to me. The idea of an GTX560+ is definetley a good choice. Still some ppl here really tend to throw some dangerous "half-knowledge" 8)
  19. DieVirulenz


    Dont worry. They just become very afraid when they see a new idea... (Even if it isnt actually that new :P )
  20. DieVirulenz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I think anyone who isn´t interested in ArmAII at all and just cares for DayZ might feel screwed right now... Then again who should have forseen the huge impact this would make all of a sudden... And again, the mod itself WILL become obsolete in my opinion.
  21. DieVirulenz

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    So essentially, everyone who just bought ArmAII to play DayZ (excluding me because I bought it to play DayZ AND ArmA ;) ) is pretty feeged into the bass. I can totally understand that this upsets ppl. Also hearing about the upgrades the standalone will receive, it will be way superior to the mod wich makes it kinda obsolete except for maybe a tiny group of players... So I´m really looking forward for the standalone version, and I think if the pricing is reasonable I will definitley join the fun, if only for the upgraded tech. Still theres this feeling of a lot of people getting screwed here...
  22. DieVirulenz

    Hackers. Serious problem.

    It makes it way easier in my opinion too...but why the face would I care about some stupid kid? wow you can hack this server and kill everything...I mean don´t give them any attention, not ingame nor here or any other forum and the last bit of happines they squeeze out of their way of playing vanishes in no time. Also Hackers always take douchebags into the shower =)
  23. DieVirulenz

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    I seriously hate when good things become mainstream in some way. In this example the wider playerbase brings in a lot of the so called "CoD-kiddies", and I can see why those might destroy the immersion for some people. But still it´s free for all. Go about it however you like. I don´t think its fair to judge ppl that are just enjoying this in a whole different way. I mean they impact your gameexperience not only in a bad way. Try to see it from this perspective: There are more players -> Overall a rather good thing for many reasons, There are more PvP-players -> Get used to it, differ your playstyle, be even more on the edge, I think it will result in yourself honing your skills wich again is a good thing...and so on... As stated before this whole thing is merely an alphaversion of what might come and so far it´s one of the most different and intriguing experiences I had so far in my 15+years of coregaming. So in the end: things change, as the playerbase changes. It´s a fact and I don´t think it will all go down the drain, it will just shift until it´s in some form of balance that might even appeal to most of us already taken in by the whole idea of DayZ ;)
  24. DieVirulenz

    Should I suicide?

    Haha, so true!!! And I wouldn´t even think about killing myself with all the great ways of ending your digital life in this game :P
  25. Warum sind eigentlich alle Deutschen immer so verstockte Typen? Ich muss aus diesem Land raus ^^