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Everything posted by DieVirulenz

  1. DieVirulenz

    So what am I supposed to do?

    I was wondering: I found a hatchet, but the only option I got is to chop wood with it? Wich well seemed kinda strange to me...How do you equip them as weapons?
  2. DieVirulenz

    bandit status

    Could this be verified and maybe put into some kind of n00b FAQ?
  3. DieVirulenz

    Did I break an unspoken rule?

    It´s just the human nature, ohh and allowing kids (<21) on the internet, wich I would totally get rid of if I was made empreror of the interwebz!!! Anyone up for voting for me?? ;) Seriously: Switch the server, and let the douches play with themselfs as always ^^
  4. Hi there, Just wondering: I started my first DayZ char. An epic warning came where I was asked to choose my gender and I wouldnt be able to change it anymore. I chose female. After I died the first time with my fem char, I had no clue what to do to begin anew. After I looged out and hoped on to another server I finally could spawn...but as a man...is this a bug? Or has it something to do with spawning again? I really am lost here, and if possible would like to play as a woman. Thanks for any clarifications in advance.
  5. DieVirulenz

    Sex change operation or what?

    Wow that was fast!!! Thanks very much :)