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Dj Mikey

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Everything posted by Dj Mikey

  1. The only problem is that, having acquired a hacked item through any other means apart from hacking it in, is not against any rules. Its every players instinct to be like OH HELL YEA, LOOK AT THIS BAD ASS SHIT! *picks it up* without any previous knowledge of weather or not it naturally spawns in the mod or not. Not every one scrolls the wiki 24/7. You are saying to everyone here that it is fine to ban an innocent player who may or may not have had any idea that the weapon they picked up was legit or not. How is that fair?
  2. ok, so where is the evidence that shows this individual player was the player who brought the items into the server. I dont see any of that evidence, yet i see a ban. I am personaly asking you, aerver admin of some server i will never choose to join, to continue to conduct yourself they way you are with this community of gamers. I will toast a beer to your "hard earned Moneys" waste.
  3. Dj Mikey


    You are already unbanned, we had just experienced some teleporters. The hackers are banned you are not.
  4. Dj Mikey

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    You realize there are other options that are far more effective in catching hackers then making up lame ass excuses to re supply on lost gear because your panties are to tight. Sorry excuses like yours and these server admins result in whiny players posting about how low these kiddies who use there mommies cred cards to rent a server, really are. Saying you need to lock the server for only your clan and admins because of hackers is bullshit. What possible work can a clan of players do IN the server, to "work" on it, that isnt advantages for only them.
  5. We endured a pertty large hack attack last night. All have been banned and it should be good now!
  6. Dj Mikey

    Ban in US153 today

    Ill tell you now, non of the admins on us153 would ever ban a player for rummaging through our loot. ever. Logs will be provided and if not it is prob a temp ban for battle logging. edit: i realized now that the Dayz forum mods take some time to allow threads in this section to post. This being the case i doubt you are involved with the convicted party i explained above. Your post just happened to have been "visable" shortly after the hacking spree that occured on the server. Ill contact the server Admin and inform him of your unban request if he does not see this before hand.
  7. Dj Mikey

    Ban in US153 today

  8. taking down your server to prevent players and hackers from looting and destroying your camp, is a nono.
  9. I am sure most of us are completely fed up with being transformed into cows, chickens, and goats. Just to be teleported into a barbed wire pen on the deck of a battle ship watching that sleek grin on his ugly hacking mug as he lays waste to everyone in the server with a fully automatic rainbow shooting makorov. All the while you feel hopeless and confused and resort to these forums to report what had happened. Well, in these dires times we as a community need to band together and fight back agaist this cow on hacker onslaught. Here is how. (side note: it sucks but it is all we can really do at the moment) 1. Server admins, turn on tagging. I know it sucks and most people disagree but it is an easy way to tag a name of a hacker, making banning and evidence gathering alot easier and conclusive. 2. Server admins, read through some of the hacker report threads and contact other admins to obtain GUID's so thoe same confirmed hackers dont run amok on your server too! 3. Players, Im pretty sure no one gives two dumps about the "fraps" tg in your demo. Evidence is evidence and it makes it alot easier to have hackers banned. 4. When evidence is obtained, dont just report in the Dayz forums, send that evidence to battle eye! Conclusive evidence of a player hacking will surly get them globally banned if that evidence is in the right hands! 5. These were my last 2 cents. *broke* Edit: Quick response times and an active server community make it easier on the server i play on to take care of hackers.
  10. Deep in the musty dayz forums, i find myself lost in an endless thread of rage and disgust. Hackers it is, hackers who cause these heartaches and discomfort within my... AHHHH FUCK thunderdome *punches monitor* Yea it sucks.. but seriously.. when was the last time you saw a hacker spawn 1000 Vans in the sky, turning every player into a chicken who shots rounds out its mouth, then teleporting every single chicken into a barbed wired area just to fight to the death... its classic, yet aggravating at the same time. Better yet, seeing every single tent on the server in one spot along with everysingle vehicle, hell they were even kind enough to add a BATTLE SHIP! this is becoming a serious problem and something needs to be done.
  11. Dj Mikey

    Banned from US 1065

    Correction... never seen a case where anyone gets unbanned, banned, or black listed, even when substantial evidence is provided.
  12. Dj Mikey

    Banned from US 1065

    where is there base on there server? Ill hunt them all down for you, considering they wont lift your illegitimate ban. the worst that could happen to me is to get banned as well.
  13. Dj Mikey


    im almost considering believing he is doing this intentionally just to see how long it takes for the devs to black list his server.
  14. Dj Mikey

    Why this mod is failing

    you honestly think "murder" wouldnt be an extremely important thing to think about in a zombie apocolypse? To be honest, i think the level of banditry is no where near what it could and should be to make this game even more immerse and relative to what RL would be like. "human nature" do anything in a crucial time to survive, no matter the cost. Protecting yourself and creating a tight nit group is all that "banditry" is in this game. Im sorry you have a hard time making friends op, i truly am. Would you like to team up? Ill cripple your leg then morphine you, then cripple your leg, then morphine you, over and over and over and over and over. Bandit Pride!
  15. Dj Mikey


    im glad to see legitimate evidence being presented. It sets a good example for others who do not provide the needed evidence.
  16. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    you are right, its only against the rules if they put the server back up.
  17. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    or.. keep the server up 24/7 and play the game like everyone else does.
  18. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    and what you dont understand... while your server is shutdown, no one is in threat of being attacked or raided, while the rest of the servers who are doing whats right, are. Your buddy said it him self in this thread, "we shut down the server when no admins are on because we dont want ours and other peoples camps getting raided or attacked when we are not on." it is an advantage on the servers part because there are less times the players of that server cn meet an unfortunate end, where as other servers are at risk 24/7. if every server was doing what you are.. it would be horrible and game crippling in regards to testing in this alpha.
  19. Dj Mikey

    More eerie sounds

    the eeriest sound, is no sound at all. but for the sake of suggestion, what about finger nail scratching from zombies on brick walls and buildings.
  20. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    you are absoutly right! Every night before i go to bed, i freeze time because i am unable to watch what is going on at the time. So i just freeze it. cause like.. it dosnt effect anybody at all! You are missing the point, whether its for good or nasty reasons, it is against the rules, misleading, unprofessional, and catering to people like you who cant handle conflict over the interwebz. Furthermore, it is in no way shape of form fair for anyone in the dayz xommunity except for the ones who are involved.
  21. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    would this be considered ghosting? walking to green mountain, logging into green mountain on 1038, laying 6 satchel charges and screaming DURKA DURKA in the microphone?
  22. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    you sound like a zombie i know in the future apocalypse.
  23. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    what server do you play on? ill help you out man, ill shot you tell you get a kamenka spawn
  24. Dj Mikey

    US 1038 TX

    Its better then having the server blacklisted....