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Everything posted by Deathtrap

  1. Deathtrap

    Kicked for Wrong signature rock2.pbo

    Before running DayZ for the first time or after you have done a steam file validation for ARMA 2 you need to launch ARMA 2 and Arma 2 OA at least once before launching DayZ. Heres what I do after a fresh install or file validation. 1. From your steam library launch ARMA 2. Wait for the game to completely load and you are sitting at the main menu screen. Close ARMA 2 through the main menu. 2. From your steam library launch ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead. Wait for the game to completely load and you are sitting at the main menu screen. Close ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead through the main menu. 3. From your steam library right click ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead and select "Launch ARMA 2: Combined Operations". Wait for the game to completely load and you are sitting at the main menu screen. Close ARMA 2: Combined Operations through the main menu. 4. Run DayZ Commander and check the versions tab to make sure your ARMA and DayZ versions are both up to date. 5. Check the following filter boxes on left side of DayZ commander. Hide Locked/Unofficial, Hide Unplayable, Hide Wrong ARMA II Version, Hide Wrong DayZ Version. 6. Refresh all servers then select one and launch DayZ. Hope this helps.
  2. Deathtrap

    Need Help vs Cheaters PLEASE

    I made sure to go through and thumbs down every video in the link and thumbs up the video at the bottom of your post like you wanted. You're Welcome.
  3. Their server got blacklisted for admin abuse. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/50963-us-1038-shutting-down-to-protect-trading-camps/
  4. The only ammo boxes that exist in DayZ are the ones spawned in by script kiddies. I know this, you know this, and everyone knows this. Anyone who needs to use scripted in items lacks basic video game skill and ability as getting weapons in DayZ is really not much of a challenge. You sir are a cheater plain and simple. You can go on all day with your quotes from Rocket stating that its not against the rules to use hacked in items, but as far as every single honest player in every video game ever played is concerned you are a cheater. People who cheat in video games are the unwanted pieces of excrement that slowly pass through the body of games offering nothing useful to the body and only cause distress to the body until they eventually end up in a fowl smelling pile cast aside from the body of honest players. That's right you're shit. You and every other person who has to cheat to feel on par with or superior to other players who actually put in the time and effort to acquire the items they desire. I don't know who you are and I don't know who is in the right of the complaint filed against you or your clan. But what i do know is that you openly admitted to using scripted-in weapons. You can spin your story anyway it pleases you but it wont change the fact that you admitted to cheating and therefore are a piece of shit.
  5. Deathtrap

    Dog Days of Dayz

    Yeah hacking in Dayz isn't getting out of control or anything. Seriously what fail programmer is responsible for hackers having this much control of a server. My apologies for the glare but the hacker decided to make it night time to fire off flares then he turned it back to day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCjAdmQ_h00&feature=player_detailpage
  6. Deathtrap

    CB radios

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Radio Item already exists but is not currently in the game.
  7. Deathtrap


    If you feel a server admin is violating ToS I would like to direct you to the proper place to post such a complaint. http://dayzmod.com/f...rver-reporting/
  8. IRL Information Name: Ron Age: 33 Location: Detroit, MI US Timezone: (UTC-05:00)Eastern Time Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?: Yes Game Information IGN: Deathtrap Steam ID (if applicable): Blast_Tyrant http://steamcommunit...id/blast_tyrant Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc): Medic Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences): Due to other online games (The Secret World & MechWarrior Online) the group of people I previously played DayZ with no longer have a interest in the game. I still have a strong interest in DayZ and am seeking the company of like-minded individuals. Green Mountain Survivors appear to be a well organized and knowledgeable group of survivors who share in my belief of helping those in need and eliminating bandits if necessary. Maintaining a functional society in a post apocalyptic zombie/bandit infested world is most definitely something I would like to have a part in and your group seems to be doing exactly that. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?: I consider myself knowledgeable of the game in both its mechanics and play. I prefer the role of field medic but am versatile and have no problem playing any role that would better suit our survival needs. I am self sufficient if necessary but prefer to donate my services and abilities to other survivors. I am competent in the use of most weapons and equipment. I currently have a decent stock of medical supplies that I am willing to donate to the cause. I would like to thank Green Mountain Survivors for their time and consideration.
  9. Deathtrap

    Fixing Bandit System

    Bandits - lets make them invisible and silent. Bad Bandit Killers - lets give them brightly colored body armor to protect their torso. Bad I don't know about anyone else but if I am forced into a conflict with another player I am aiming for the head and making my attacker even harder to see does not sound like a good idea to me. Besides static "Drops" from other players are in direct conflict with the spirit of the game.
  10. Deathtrap

    Non Lethal force and disarming.

    I like the idea of non lethal weapons. This could also include taser, stun gun, or my personal favorite the cattle prod. They could render the player unconscious for a somewhat random period of time allowing the attacker to loot victim like normal. The downside to this concept would be griefing. I can already see the countless threads of players complaining that some sadistic bandit sat for hours on end chain stunning them over and over until he eventually became bored with it and shot the victim with their own gun.
  11. Deathtrap


    bandit skins have been removed from the game.
  12. I have been the victim of and the guilty party in unintentional pk situations. I support this idea in its concept and in the spirit of what I believe the game is trying to accomplish. Paranoia can run high in this game and having some form of visual marker to identify people that your character is familiar with whether it be friend or foe I feel would be logical under the right circumstances. In real life its hard to forget the faces of those who saved or had nearly taken ones life and having a similar method of identification I feel would be a welcomed addition to the game.
  13. Deathtrap

    AI guarded camps

    Rocket has already said on multiple occasions that he is against the idea of npc guards. He is all for the idea of player bases which is why they are working to implement a underground structure system but he makes it very clear that these underground bases if implemented will need to be protected by players and not npcs. While I agree the idea of a raidable npc camp as a form of endgame would be kinda cool it would detract from the concept they are striving for with dayz. Instead imagine raiding a base filled with other players where the layout of the base would be foreign to the people assaulting it and known all too well by the people inside because they are the ones who constructed it.
  14. I have recently changed my murderous ways from a shoot all on sight player to a offer medical assistance to all on sight player. Personally I feel that this offers more challenge and risk as I am forced to make contact with other players instead of just hiding from or shooting everyone I see. I typically play with a core group of friends and prefer to take the medic role for our group. I am also aware of the doctor whitelist of which I am in the process of trying to become a member. My suggestion for the game would be a combat medic skin that could be obtained through various methods in the game. My suggestion for obtaining the skin would be similar to how the bandit skin used to function but instead of skin changing on X amount of murders it would be applied to your character after X amount of medical care given to other players ie. 3 blood transfusions given, 5 broken legs repaired, 8 bandages applied, 10 rounds of painkillers administered etc. These numbers are just suggestions and the developers could tweek them as they see fit. It could also require a combination of different types of medical care to be given. There could also be tiers to the skin based upon the amount of medical care you have given to other players that would accumulate on the player as he/she progressed. Tier 1 could be a simple Red Cross arm band. Tier 2 could include a Red Cross symbol on your helmet. Tier 3 could include a surgical mask and so on. This skin would have the opposite effect of skins currently in the game where the camo and ghillie skins make the character harder to see the medic skin would make you stand out a bit more. That higher visibility would make you easier to be seen by bandits but would also signal to other players that you can be trusted on a certain level. I would also suggest that the skin can be lost by wearing a camo/ghillie skin or through murdering other players either with a overall number or with X amount of players being killed within a certain amount of time. There would have to be some balance to losing the skin as all players are forced to defend themselves from other players at some point. Below is a sample picture I found that represents the general idea I am proposing ie. the helmet and armband. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
  15. Deathtrap

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In support of the DayZ medical team I would like to ask for support on my thread in the suggestions forums for a Combat Medic skin to be added so we can give Dr. Wasteland and his associates the look they deserve. http://dayzmod.com/f...n-combat-medic/ and my apologies for the off topic post in this thread.
  16. Deathtrap

    Antibiotics for sale.

    Considering the current rarity of antibiotics and the ease of duping items I have to assume this large quantity of antibiotics was gained through exploit. If this was gained legitimately then you sir are beyond lucky and if not then shame on you for trying to peddle your ill gotten wares on the public forums.