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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. If you take DayZ seriously 100% of the time, skip this video. ;)
  2. This series is the opposite of my DayZ Survivor Diaries series: Where as we usually spare people's lives and avoid conflict in general in the Survivor Diaries, in the Mountain Men series we roleplay a group of backwoods survivalists protecting their land after the zombie virus brings about the end of the world. Us mountain survivors get awful lonely up in them mountains by ourselves, so sometimes we come on down and try to make some new friends. C'mere boy. If you're in a hurry, skip to 4:30 for avengin' mah brother's murder!
  3. Our plans to rescue a glitched chopper in the northern forest go downhill quickly...
  4. Yeah, you're probably right on that one. We had a hacker on the server overnight that night, and then the chopper was gone. Our server has been hit a few times now.
  5. Use this link to jump directly to the observation: Or feel free to watch the (unrelated) beginning.
  6. Hey folks, I'm continuing a semi-roleplay survivor video diary series where myself and 5 (and soon 6) friends attempt to survive the zombie apocalypse together without resorting to banditry. We try to play our characters as how we might act in real life whenever possible, helping people out when we can and usually only shooting when fired upon first. Episode 1 is mainly a transition from Season 2 and preparation for S3 Episode 2, as it introduces our group. In Episode 2 will be heading to the Northwest airfield and sending one of our guys down the runway with a flare as bait. Hope you all enjoy!
  7. In Episode 10 we grab our newly repaired UAZ, Joel finds a brand new motorcycle, and our convoy hits the road!
  8. This happens when someone tries to join the server too quickly after a restart. All you need to do is restart it again and have a single person "start" the mission. All tents and vehicles should then reappear.
  9. In Episode 9 we decide that after months of hiding in the woods surviving, it's time to move up the food chain. We find some crashed choppers with decent loot as well as two UAZs to repair, and we get to work!
  10. Rule #1 of Day Z: Expect everything to go horribly wrong at any moment.
  11. Joel likes to play pranks. Pranks than many, many times over the months have almost gotten him killed. When I had the opportunity to give him a taste of his own medicine, I knew I couldn't resist.
  12. In Episode 8 we discover a fully repaired URAL truck, one of the best vehicles in the game, and fuel it up for some looting! After finding a crashed chopper and blaring some rock 'n roll over VOIP, we decided to blow through the gates of the North-West airfield with our new toy.
  13. In Episode 7, we strike gold at a chopper crash and both myself and Chris end up with M14s to spare. Disaster strikes soon after, so we decided to take the hunt back to some of the bandit snipers that lurk along the coast at Electro.
  14. I have to say, the idea of dying from falling into a row of razor wire is a pretty horrifying mental picture.
  15. I just bought a new server a few days ago and brought it online last night. To my surprise, it started spawning vehicles right away. I found a tractor and saw a boat on the East coast, but since then I haven't found any other vehicles despite checking probably 20-25 spawns. Interestly, I don't think the tractor spawn or the boat that I saw are on any maps. Has anyone seen this start/stop vehicle spawn behavior before? Thanks!
  16. This idea came out of our usual death scenario: Survive for a good while, be nice guys and just watch people from afar, don't murder, etc, then get sniped in the back without warning when you least expect it. Now, I enjoy the "goody-goody" playstyle too much to stop, but occasionally after getting killed I would be looking for a way to change things up for one life. And so the Day Z Mountain Men were formed. Us mountain survivors get awful lonely up in them mountains by ourselves, so sometimes we come on down to the coast and try to make some new friends. C'MERE BOY.
  17. Thanks man! These are a lot of fun to film. Haha, well that's a first! We're actually all American, and we only do the Mountain Men deal every now and again. Thanks though!
  18. Not sure how many of you guys have already heard this, but I hadn't heard the female scream until just a few days ago. Nightmares.
  19. In Episode 6, as several patches come out we fight through the glitches to gear up, avoid coast snipers, and raid some of the risky areas in the North. We also find treasure at the end of the rainbow!
  20. Evan from PC Gamer interviewed me on their latest podcast about the church event: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/08/03/pc-gamer-us-podcast-324-psychological-profiling/ (it's at the very end) The video of the service is up! The first part recaps the idea and goes through some server issues we had, so if you want to go straight to the service itself skip to about 6:12. The service will begin at 5pm EST (-5 UTC) promptly. The server will be announced in this thread one hour ahead of time, as well as on www.reddit.com/r/dayz and on my Facebook and Twitter pages. Follow me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/evilviking13 Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/evilviking Video invitation: If you would like to be an usher or help with the canned food drive, please PM me.
  21. Evan from PC Gamer interviewed me on their latest podcast about the church event: http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/08/03/pc-gamer-us-podcast-324-psychological-profiling/ (it's at the very end)