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Everything posted by Komotez

  1. So......you guys learnt that vigilantism in this game is stupid yet?
  2. Im situated in the UK and i am very much interested in finding a new server to call home, do you have any requirements? I lead a busy lifestyle so i want to play casually and possibly be able to group up with people, but not feel like im expected to do so.
  3. Komotez

    Keep spawning on the coast.

    Just happened to me, i may sound childish but i frankly do not care if i do, im not playing until this is sorted out.
  4. Komotez

    Can't update to

    Was having this problem before i realised day z commander can update the game too, just under version tab for anyone new to day z commander
  5. lol dude at the back looks like he is suffering from brain-slug
  6. Komotez

    just wow so sad

    As long as a parent has a good head on their shoulders, it shouldn't matter too much, i was sent to public schools as a kid and im not doing to bad for myself. Anyway boring life story aside; OP regardless of whether your server is dedicated or not, the sheer amount of bandwidth used will most likely slow your transfer rate to a trickle. Please take this to the correct forum OP, general discussion is probably not the place for this thread
  7. Komotez

    Hacker Inadvertently helped me.

    Congratulations on being part of the problem
  8. Komotez

    Murdering people with the enfield.

    Using the enfield is a death sentence unless you're out in the wilderness or have a good escape plan ready. I read about it but still managed to underestimate how many zeds it pulls and from how far away. Lee-enfield : Never again
  9. Komotez

    So i found this hacker stash...

    This, just because rocket says you won't face the figurative death penalty doesn't necessarily mean there is a 0% chance of repercussions, destroy them just in case. Admins can also be douches, don't give anybody a reason to want to ban you
  10. How about this: If you die by damage from a zed your body re-animates with all its loot still on it, and the AI takes over. You want the loot? kill the new zed. During all of this, the recently deceased player is free to restart his adventure at his/her convenience
  11. Komotez

    What is this?

    Im not skilled in this sacred art, but it looks like it could be a cheat
  12. Komotez

    The greatest moment I have experienced on dayz

    Awesome video, haven't played at night properly yet. Now im looking forward to it
  13. Komotez

    Why can't we feast of human flesh?

    Your post goes brilliantly with your picture
  14. Your heart is in the right place, sadly this way of thinking will cause the aforementioned heart to be blown clean out of you by a sniper round if you aren't careful
  15. Komotez

    Best Camping Spots

    Usually but not always, roof camping loses you the bonus of using zombie spawns to know when a player is there and makes you susceptible to counter-sniping. However on a roof you will have less chance of missing due to the target being closer and less of a hike back to your camping spot. In short either, whatever suits your playstyle
  16. Komotez

    Best Camping Spots

    I must say posting them here will reduce their effectiveness. But honestly I don't use specific locations, i prone in a bush in the treelines more than 200m from a town. this way when you watch the zombies spawn from your scope you know it is because another player is in the town, from there it's the obligatory kill, stealth in then loot and return to the trees. A method that has sustained me for quite a while
  17. Shh no tears, only dreams now, stop flaunting this massive ego and go to bed
  18. Your overconfidence is your weakness
  19. THIS is why i play this game
  20. Hey, me and about 5 of my friends are all having the same issue. Basically 6 launcher is only showing about 1/4 of the servers it usually does, which is making it difficult to find and join my favorite ones. For this to happen to a handful of people i know but to see barely anyone else on the forums reporting this is a tad confusing. Anybody having the same issue? Help greatly appreciated
  21. Komotez

    Servers not showing

    +1000 beans to you good sir. Thank you
  22. Komotez

    Banditry exploded

    Learn to stealth better?, or better yet, stay away from big towns. Those places are vortexes that draw in all the bandits. Why should they bother looting their own stuff if they can have yours? If you have nothing, you're target practice to decrease their chances of missing the next guy who actually has stuff worth looting.
  23. Komotez

    Steam sale broke this game.

    For the love of god this thread needs to die. Just kill it with fire