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Everything posted by GulpinGulpin

  1. GulpinGulpin

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    yeah i just got a ghillie ill b pissed if it dissapears cus im pretty sure ill have a bandit skin
  2. GulpinGulpin

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    this is sick, so theres bandit skins again? and does a ghillie cover up a bandit skin?
  3. im still on, how do i fix this
  4. GulpinGulpin

    sixlauncher not updating to

    im terrible at computers tho, what do i have to do once i dl the torrent?
  5. GulpinGulpin

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    y didnt my six launcher update it? it said updating but im still on
  6. GulpinGulpin

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    y didnt my six launcher update it? it said updating but im still on
  7. GulpinGulpin

    DayZ Hunger Games - will be streamed live

    Dude This is fucking awesome
  8. GulpinGulpin

    Green Mountain

    I went there today for the firsttime it's retarded lol
  9. GulpinGulpin

    Ambiguously Gay Noob Destroyer

  10. GulpinGulpin

    The SVD

    would you be willing to trade some of those mags for NVG's?i just got an svd but it has no mags
  11. GulpinGulpin

    trading two NVG's

    my friend and I each have NVG's but dont use them, and are willing to trade them post your offers!
  12. GulpinGulpin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ok im west of kamenka almost at the edge of the map, im currently crawling east, hackers teleported me off the map and broke my legs lol, if anyone can bring me morphine i would appreciate it, add me on steam - ben.schwartz24 and ill tell u what server and more info, thanks
  13. GulpinGulpin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ok im west of kamenka almost at the edge of the map, im currently crawling east, hackers teleported me off the map and broke my legs lol, if anyone can bring me morphine i would appreciate it, add me on steam - ben.schwartz24 and ill tell u what server and more info, thanks
  14. i can log into certian servers, but for example chicago 865 wont work, any solution?
  15. Cause I want to know!
  16. GulpinGulpin

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    Lol, this
  17. GulpinGulpin

    Why do people call them zeds

    I understand how u pronounce z is zedI'm saying call them fucking zombies
  18. GulpinGulpin

    Why do people call them zeds

    Exactly what I'm trying to say
  19. GulpinGulpin

    Not your usual alt+f4 thread

    Yea that's ok Like I did it two days ago cus a hacker tried to kill me
  20. GulpinGulpin

    Why do people call them zeds

    No I meant ppl who call zombies zeds soundike fags
  21. GulpinGulpin

    Why do people call them zeds

    Who gives a fuck about what rocket says they're fucking zombies Im not gonna say "OH SHIT AN INFECTED"
  22. GulpinGulpin

    Why do people call them zeds

    I get that the z is zed But the zombies r zombies not zeds
  23. GulpinGulpin

    Remove Hats, it's against my friend's religion

    lol what the fuck its a video game