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Everything posted by GulpinGulpin

  1. or is there anywhere to get morphine in stary sobor
  2. help i got a car and idk what server im on fuuuck
  3. GulpinGulpin


  4. Nothing annoys me more when I hear ppl talking like They're in the fucking army Like I c hostiles Or I have a murder I repeat I have a murder Shut the fuck up its a game not the army
  5. GulpinGulpin

    I dont understand Zeroing.... at all

    Just saying, ur avy is fucking awesome
  6. GulpinGulpin

    Devils Castle - Is it Safe?

    Whats the point? There's shitty loot there
  7. GulpinGulpin

    G17 Question

    G17 is great for killing other players tho, I went to stary sobor today with just my g17 and killed a player easily with it, cus it shoots really fast
  8. GulpinGulpin

    chicago 245 down?

    i cant log onto this server, ittl stay on the creating character screen for so long and when it does load im in the debug fields,and i log in fine in other servers
  9. GulpinGulpin

    chicago 245 down?

  10. GulpinGulpin

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    who the fuck cares its a fun game
  11. GulpinGulpin

    DayZ Inventory Redesign

    this is fucking awesome
  12. GulpinGulpin

    Survival. Not COD. -_-

    i like killing ppl its fun fuck you
  13. GulpinGulpin

    items dissapearing?

    so my friend and I recently made our first camp, we only have one tent, but my friend had an m24, an alice pack and an m 1911, and a bunch of shit in his toolbelt so idk if this has anything to do w/ the tent being made, but two days in a row when my friend has logged out, he lost everything that he had, the first time it was like 4 guns, idk which four, and this time it was an m24 and some more shit so what can we do to fix this?
  14. so my friend and i have been having problems with our tent, like we would take things out, log out w/ them in our inventory, then log back in the next day and they had just magically dissapeared so can someone just tell us how to save a tent right? should we just save every time we do something?
  15. GulpinGulpin

    items dissapearing?

    so my friend and I recently made our first camp, we only have one tent, but my friend had an m24, an alice pack and an m 1911, and a bunch of shit in his toolbelt so idk if this has anything to do w/ the tent being made, but two days in a row when my friend has logged out, he lost everything that he had, the first time it was like 4 guns, idk which four, and this time it was an m24 and some more shit so what can we do to fix this?
  16. GulpinGulpin

    items dissapearing?

    nah, everything we put in the tent is still there, the stuff tahts gone is the stuff that he had when he logged off, like he was holding the m24
  17. GulpinGulpin

    items dissapearing?

  18. GulpinGulpin

    items dissapearing?

  19. GulpinGulpin

    [Video] Terror Island

    lol the admin was trying to fuck with you
  20. GulpinGulpin

    QQ PVP

    i agree
  21. ppl will camp at the popular spawn points
  22. GulpinGulpin

    Amazing DayZ Video

    this is literally the most awesome thing ive ever seen holy shit lololol