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Everything posted by almostthere56

  1. Hello,I am currently looking for a L85 with thermal optics, since the last one got eaten up by server lag. I have currently one rangefinder to spare, and an AS50 I am willing to part with. The AS50 comes with 3 mags of special AS50 ammo (note, AS50 IS compatible with m107 .50 BMG ammunition, as well as the 12.7x99 NATO 5 round magazines). PM me or reply to this post if you are interested.
  2. Deal is done, thank you for interest
  3. I suppose you are not willing to part with the L85?
  4. Sorry, those would be hard to come by for me, since with the last patch, spawning of ghillie suits is disabled, because of the bugs associated with them, and I started playing after the patch.