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About JayM

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Oh, didn't realize that the hacking detection was so good. I honestly didn't notice and that all these bypasses you can do either...
  2. Any reasons why I should not use this? Every server I've played on today I've come across mass glitches and hackers. Even had someone shooting nukes at me and then was spawned way up in the air with every other player in the server. Tired of spending time for no reward and just getting screwed by hackers, I had one godmode guy come up to me and spawn me a crate with everything in it and that was probably the only good all day. Think I'm going to just start scripting like everyone else, seems like quite a bit of the people on this game are using some sort of cheat. At least then I can run around in this FFA deathmatch and use some cool stuff before a hacker comes and kills us all off.
  3. Spent days playing running around surviving with so much running and it gets old so fast. Running around cherno for 10 minutes killing people was more fun, DayZ is no longer a survial game for me, but instead just a FFA deathmatch at the citys and it's actually a lot funner then spending so much time doing nothing.
  4. JayM

    Loot balance?

    Matches are the rarest thing to find in this game, I'm almost convienced.
  5. JayM

    AS50 TWS loot?

    Wait, you're telling me this his a hacked gun? I have one right now, but I killed a player ontop of cherno roof for it... I thought they spawn of choppers. I haven't had the game that long, so I don't know what suppose to spawn, etc etc etc...
  6. JayM

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    I think you'd find a lot more of these guns if you went to a miltiary base...
  7. JayM

    Every kill in DayZ is fair

    So from this logic, if I'm fully gear'd at the starting area killing people, that's there fault? Alright... If play another game an FPS and I'm spawn camping them, that's there fault for spawning? Sounds good, great game.
  8. The tents seem so worthless to me that they spawn on one server. THey just log out when you log out and you can find you're tent on any server.
  9. dagdagdafdkjahfdkjafljdakfjdakfjda scripts ftw
  10. There's no zombies around, there's nothing around...
  11. Logged in to being killed randomly, and then appearing instantly in the "wilderness" with no items on at all. GG Wonder how long it's gonna take before I can actually play the game agian...
  12. JayM

    Venting Thread

    This game is like 90% bullshit with 10% fun I'm learning. I don't think I'd be so mad about dieing if I didn't have to spend 20 minutes loading the fucking game everytime and how matches are so fricking rare.
  13. JayM

    New War Z screenshots

    That game is gonna suck pro***ly, because that company will do anything to that game for money.
  14. My legs broke and I can't respawn, great game...
  15. JayM

    FPS and Stuff

    I'll check it out, and I guess my mic hasn't been talking then. Because it said caps lock and I press it but nothing shows up, however I do have my caps lock key disabled. But it still works as use key for like ts3 and vent.