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About The_Falconer

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. The_Falconer

    Acceptable age to play?

    This is a very strange topic to talk about and i have lots of experience with this topic. I am 14 yrs old but some people I've played with on TS thought i was 16-18 because of how mature i acted and one guy even said that i reminded him of a buddy of his that was in service. I've been told a lot that i shouldn't be playing these games because of my age but i have to disagree. Maturity is a lot more important than plain age and age limits are wrong in my opinion
  2. The_Falconer

    My Zombie Apocalypse Dream Gear

    My load-out would be my current: AR-15 with Eo-Tech HOLO and strobe-light/flashlight Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm pro Machete
  3. I'm not 100% sure but isn't banning for "associations with a hacker" a little out there... You obviously haven't posted any proof at all. Your links above could just be other people by the same name. I've met 6 people in game with my name and we obviously weren't the same people. You also seem like the kinda guy that would be a massive dick head in game. My best friend has also had trouble with your server. While joining the game he was immediately banned for "associations with a hacker" even though it was his first time in the game. I was there watching too, because he had just bought the game and i was helping him troubleshoot some issues. Pulling off hackusations is one thing, but banning and sending the GUID to Battleye is another.
  4. The_Falconer

    Banned from server The Walking Dead US

    They obviously are frustrated enough to make a account to write there complaints.
  5. The_Falconer

    Worst town to end up in/loot

    Aint shit in Stary
  6. The_Falconer

    DayZ: Namalsk

    I've encountered one while unarmed and as long as you run away they don't chase you very far. They spawn near high loot areas(deer stands, husks, heli crashes, etc.) and are not that hard to deal with.
  7. The_Falconer

    Rules of Engagment

    What of your Rules of Engagement? Mine: Kill -Bandits -Armed players that have seen me -Anyone north of Dolina Rob -Armed players that have not seen me Leave be -Unarmed -Some lucky guy -Friends
  8. The_Falconer

    What made you a bandit?

    I became a bandit after i was killed constantly while trying to help people. Im not a normal KOS bandit though. I kill for self defense and the occasional laugh. I rob for loot. I think its a lot more fun and you dont need good gear to do so. A couple of bluffs and i can have a persons backpack, gun and beans. So far i love the lee enfield as a robbing weapon because of its lethality.
  9. The_Falconer

    Standalone Drink Mechanics

    Drinking the sea water doubles drink decay(loss) for ten minutes
  10. The_Falconer

    Standalone Drink Mechanics

    You might in real life but its mainly for balance reasons.
  11. The_Falconer

    Standalone Drink Mechanics

    I see your point on the soda(going to use it). Ill fix that up I thinks a lot more balanced compared to earlier
  12. The_Falconer

    Standalone Drink Mechanics

    So basically I have been thinking for a while about mechanics for drinks in the Dayz Standalone. Drinks Available: Soda-Common, Drinking a certain amount causes a addiction to caffeine, one drink, nonrefillable(can change rarity to balance) Water Bottle-Rare, one drinks, refillable, cannot boil water inside of it(can change rarity to balance) Canteen-Very Rare, two drinks, refillable(can change rarity to balance) Places You Can Refill: Sea-Temporarily refills your drink meter (1 minute) but after increases drink decay by 100% for 10 minutes(will stack) Lake-Fills drink meter, 50% chance of infection* Pond-Fills drink meter, 30% chance of infection* River-Fills drink meter, 5% chance of infection* *You can boil water over a fire that eliminates chances of infection Tell me what you think.
  13. The_Falconer

    Lament of a (un)lucky bastard

    No problem Vlad... i absolutely love the server and had the most fun i've had in a long time. I play under the alias Gonzalo and my friends from Ireland play with me.
  14. The_Falconer

    My First Hacker Kill

    I hacker teled to me and dropped a ammo box and immediately said"you have 5 minutes". I took out a single satchel and place it...set it off. Killed the "nice" hacker later he teled to me again and spawned a motorcycle. said" ill give you 3min to start driving". I start off andget chased by a tank going 100mph. most memorable night ever
  15. The_Falconer

    Lament of a (un)lucky bastard

    Im going to help you out...play on US 1979...its private hive but the admins are amazing.