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About basti87

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I feel like ArmA2 is no benchmark for Dayz, but thats just my experience :)
  2. Thanks for your help, unfortunately it didn't help. I did however find a solution! Turns out my bottleneck was my HDD, so I set up a RamDisk and put the DayZ folder on it. Now i can play perfectly on "normal" settings and even on "high" to "very high" with just a little stuttering! Looks like there is a god! :D Oh yeah, btw., this only works when I start ArmA and then start Dayz ingame, starting Dayz directly will still give bad performance...! Regards, Basti
  3. Hi, so I've used the search already, but couldn't find anything regarding my specs. The game is unplayable for me, whatever settings i choose... My specs are: i5 2430m @2,4Ghz Radeon HD 6750m 1GB Ram 6GB Ram Windows 7 x64 I'm using the latest beta patch and I have the Steam version of the game. I've tried a lot of tweaks already but none of them seemed to work for me. Is my laptop too slow in general or do I just have to get the settings right? If so, can anyone tell me, what settings to use exactly? Hope I didn't miss any information needed and would be really glad if somebody could help me get this to work! :) Regards, Basti