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About LimeyBastard

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Killing Zombies...
  1. LimeyBastard

    Looking for some people to play with.

    My Steam name is the same as my forum name. add me! I use Skype to but I'll give u my skype name over steam... Talk at you all soon!
  2. LimeyBastard

    Lets Build a Car!

    Looking for some cooperative players to help build a vehicle to cruise around in and pick up loot quickly in game. Message me hear or on Steam at the same name. Look forward to hearing from you all!
  3. LimeyBastard

    Servers not showing up?

  4. Looking for teammates to survive together with in a group. Im 25 and located on the West Coast. Steam name is LimeyBastard add me or shoot me a message and we'll link up!
  5. LimeyBastard

    Looking for survivors to play with

    25 in colorado here, mostly going solo but i have a friend I play with occasionally, looking for more peeps who wont kill me on site... My steam name is LimeyBastard, hit me up... all of you lol