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Everything posted by st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

  1. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

  2. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    [ and before] Character slower than anyone else.

    Doesn't humanity level affect movement speed?
  3. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    I must see proof of this homosex.
  4. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    How do you think they can solve the spawning at the coast problem?

    I think the best option would be to figure out why some servers leave you sat at a loading screen for upwards of an hour and then fix the problem. Then there's no real need to worry about the coast spawns.
  5. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    In case you didn't know or thought otherwise...

    I think people are more irked by the assurances that the mod will continue to be developed alongside the standalone, despite things like the artifacting bug and spawning all over the place still not being fixed. The fanboys are going to need a new chant once the standalone does come out though, once DayZ is a paid for product they're entitled to some support, at least.
  6. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Respawn at the beach and gear loss

    As already mentioned, it happens if you get stuck on loading and have to force close the game. I can usually get away with it a couple times, but it seems the more fail load servers I encounter the higher my chances of a free trip to the coast. Best thing to do is keep a note of a few servers that work all the time/most of the time and if you do get stuck on loading, log onto a "safe" server to force your location to save properly.
  7. I got to listen to a couple friends being utterly creeped out by a guy in a ghillie suit with a hatchet just sitting in a building in Cherno yesterday. Every time they went by he was still sat there, heavy breathing. Then about an hour or so later after shooting him, It became apparent it was the clone of another friend on vent who had desynced and disconnected in Cherno earlier that night, and apparently left a copy of himself creeping out the locals.
  8. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    "Day Z lead 'having meetings' about console port"

    Pretty sure rocket already confirmed the standalone will be running on the current engine with some improvements.
  9. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Just killed a guy and got L115A3 LLR

    A whole bunch of people got slapped with global bans just for updating Battleye recently. It spams every few minutes ingame apologizing for it.
  10. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    #1 spawn in Kamenka simulator

    Cool story bro.
  11. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Rarity of Alice Backpack?

    9 alice packs in one store was my record. I seem to get coyote packs for dayz too, although I can't find weapons worth a crap.
  12. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Am I the only one who doesn't like to use or have snipers in Dayz?

    Remove semi auto sniper rifles, leave bolt actions.
  13. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Dayz At Gamescom 2012, 17th of august.

    All fun and games until a 10 man bush wookiee squad hides in long grass as their dogs attack you like a fat kid in a peanut butter factory.
  14. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Where do most dupers hide their tents?

    I find backyards work well since you have access to a toilet and don't have to wipe on a leaf.
  15. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    People who play 3rd person

    And a lot of people fail to understand that if DayZ wasn't intended to be played in third person at all it would have just been disabled globally.
  16. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Where does one find dogs?

    We definitely don't want to ruin the realism in our zombie apocalypse game. No sir.
  17. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    People who play 3rd person

    I play zombie games and complain about realism. Herp derp? I'm pretty sure the increased vision offered by third person is completely intentional, using a feature as intended isn't exploiting.
  18. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    People who play 3rd person

    I only play on hardcore servers where all you have to wipe with is sandpaper. Get on my level.
  19. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    People who play 3rd person

    And just because you incorrectly consider it exploiting doesn't mean it actually is.
  20. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    People who play 3rd person

    Through =/= around. Comparing third person to duping and hacks is just flat out absurd.
  21. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Is it possible for AS50 with thermal scope to spawn in DayZ?

    It's probably not possible but it'd be pretty hilarious if script spawned weapons could be made to self destruct when fired, taking the owner out with it.
  22. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Making an autorun buttong for logitech G keyboards

    Glad to see I'm not the only one to discover this. Saved my finger a LOT since the coast spawn bugs!
  23. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Spawn With Morphine / Ladder Glitch :(

    You could probably crawl to a hospital in less time than it took to make this thread.
  24. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    The hotfix did nothing for most people regarding the graphical glitches, and as a bonus has caused me to have to run up north from the coast a couple times daily since it hit.
  25. st0nedpenguin@st0nedpenguin.org

    Possible Fix - Respawning on Coast

    I've logged on a ton of servers while running both the most recent beta patches and and haven't respawned back on the beach either since that first 24 hours. I suspect it was a back-end issue that has since been resolved.