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About karadan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. karadan

    Clan .hL Recruiting Veteran Players

    Player Name: Karadan Age: 36 Skype/Mumble?: Yes/Yes DayZ Experience: 5 Months. Causal or Serious?: Both. After a one-month haitus from the game, I've come into more free time so can now take a more serious role with any clan activities. I'll be available to play most nights of the week. Preferred Role?: Pilot, Sniper, Counter Sniper, Overwatch, Support LMG Preferred Playstyle: Duo recon, Trio, 4-6 Man Squad, snipe team, solo recon, loot finder, vehicle fixer, stunt pilot I'm a relaxed player who can take orders and deliver them with competence and maturity. I'm looking for a clan with an attitude towards fun, but who can also coordinate ops well. If you have those qualities, i'll immediately become a very valuable member of the team.
  2. Challenge accepted. So I logged in the other night to hear one of my clan mates say he found a bus. I've only been playing dayz for a few weeks and have only ever seen a tractor. So understandably I was looking forward to getting a ride in it. 5 of us log in and within 30 seconds hear some convoluted diatribe about how clans can gtfo of HIS server... so I turn fraps on and record his next racist and counter-intuitive rant after logging back in. Posted to YouTube and the rest Is history. For the record, I joined cqf because I didn't want to be a lone player. From what I've seen so far, they help survivors. Quite a bit actually. They're fair and balanced as a group. They actively discourage any skullduggery and insta-kick anyone who messes about. I firmly believe they have done no wrong whereas goliath has consistently broken the rules and has then used very bizarre logic to try to justify his actions. Not to mention the blatant racism. It is clear to see by anyone with adult sensibilities that goliath and his buddies thought running a server meant they could have it to themselves. This thread shows them how wrong they were.
  3. We were all kicked by the admin (a guy called Goliath) on server US 750 last night. He was kicking all people with tags and re-kicking anyone who came back in under a different profile. He's done it to a bunch of others from {CQF} over the last few weeks too, apparently requesting people add him to skype and kicking them if they don't comply. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAz8xvNGdNY So just a heads-up, this guy is a bit nuts.