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Everything posted by hopelless

  1. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    anyone in berezino area in need of medical assistance?
  2. hopelless

    Need help broken leg!

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/ better to post there mate
  3. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    interesting.. however it might be something else.. the first time i climbed and fell when i got to the top i took no damage just had pain affect... after i actually got up and took items i decided to walk off since it didnt hurt but that time my bones broke
  4. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    LOL psa: deer stands are tall enough to break bones; there goes another life
  5. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    lol 221 blood in bean wars territory.. if only i had matches and ax
  6. still there? are you guys bandits?
  7. lol dude if this happened it would be epic.. a bunch of noobs rioting and taking over cherno and elektro and then possible nw airfield? who could stop you? (metaphorical question [tempting to answer i know])
  8. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    head on over to the wild west ;) [nw airfield area] always high demand and high risk P.S. i believe there was a mention of a devils castle or something a short while ago?
  9. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ah sucks to here man.. hope you get your bearings fast
  10. i think he meant the biggest backpack (which is capable of holding two primaries) and the sniper rifle.. so pack and rifle is what he wants
  11. hopelless

    Boat In The Water

    hmm... im not really sure about this.. ive swam to some small island with a lighthouse and didnt lose any gear.. still have never lost any gear at any point of getting in water but is the boat completely unmovable because usually they will move a little
  12. hopelless

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

    haha ok i would also like to help with your project and the most i can do to suede your trust is to point you to this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/ i hope youre familiar with it; ive been making a name for myself as a trustworthy medic and im certain many would vouch for me also if youre ever in need of those services please post and im sure a medic will take great care of you
  13. hopelless

    Outy's Medical care

    i was totally caught off guard by the jab at Dr Wasteland however its good to see everything was sorted... ive been doing quite a few jobs over there and earning trust but i was once a patient and the great service inspired me.. im not one for recognition and im not very material so i just do whatever i can to help even if it seems shady cause if a bandit kills me the most theyre getting is the cheap med supplies anyone couldve gotten from the hospitals :P but if this turns into a real thing and its not about bashing all those good medics then id gladly help out when i could
  14. hopelless

    Fort Friendly - Social Experiment

  15. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    nearly died of dehydration before i can even finish this emergency trip XD.. i have 4 to spare and a few other things.. right now im doing a run to vyshonye for a patient so after then i can meet you near airfield (definitely not there)
  16. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    hello there shard.. im not an actual member of the team so no hard feelings eh? if youre ever near elektro id take a chance at fixing you up :D however youre kind of disturbing the atmosphere here so could you please just let the situation die?
  17. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    longshot did you get my pm?
  18. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    lol on my way! >:D
  19. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    WOOOOT!! did my first healing and i have an adrenaline rush.. thought i would be ambushed for my med supplies XD
  20. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    did you get my message?
  21. hopelless

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    lol im in cherno.. how bad do you want that transfusion?
  22. hopelless

    Alt F4 is it okay in this situation?

    is there really any room for discussion here? in the scenario presented its obviously ok to gtfo.. being forced into push up animations while the guy puts gun to your head.. no room for discussion
  23. hopelless

    WANT A CZ Sniper (trade)

    awww i left a cz behind yesterday because i was carrying a m4a1 cco and akm :P
  24. id love to get in on this if you have room.. i know my way around cherno and can hit the army medical tents with ease most times
  25. hopelless

    A solution to the "bandit" problem

    this is really funny to me.. it would be simple to have it separated and pvp servers and non pvp servers.. the characters only persist to similar servers so you cant carry over gear and things like that.. the ONLY problem is the people who just want to kill other players realize if this happens theyre gonna be stuck with people just like them and have to face people just like them.. how could it hurt you if other people played without pvp on a different server completely not affecting you? you get to pvp with others who want it except you wont get to kill people who are trying to play a zombie survival sim