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About [email protected]

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    Virginia Beach
  1. you have a hacker in your server... Jesus Shields hack
  2. I get paid tonight at midnight and i'll be contacting you guys... i HATE that tcadmin shit and i just had to cancel my server with another provider because every little change i made caused the server not to load. And it was just a overall PITA
  3. I would totally do this with my private hive if i had any idea on how to make custom loadouts etc.. i'm a retard when it comes to this stuff. Money definitely doesn't by brains.
  4. I just got my private hive setup but i'm blown away by some of these server controls. I have no idea how to really use phpmyadmin and i dont know how to change any of the server variables like spawns for vehicles etc... Can anyone help me out with this? What is the point in being able to look at my map with vehicle spawn locations and i'm able to move the vehicles around the map but they dont spawn? I went this route because i wanted more control so i can have more vehicles and people get more access so i can have a bigger community. any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Come on guys, i need some more people in here to justify renewing this server.
  6. My server has an average of 6 people in it and I could really use some more good players. I'm always on to moderate as well. For some reason this server always turns up awesome loot and plenty of crashed helo's from what I've seen. You can add me on steam A_BigWobbly_H
  7. Still nothing? I just want to know how to update it on my server so i can just stop asking you people. Thanks.
  8. I'd test it if i could be instructed on how to use it on my server...
  9. So I myself am updated to the newest version but how do i update my server? I haven't had anything for the update yet. Thanks.
  10. I edited it. Now go put some ice on your mangina and quit complaining.
  11. I personally don't care about his IP address being posted. I copied that from my script log and pasted it. I'm pretty sure nobody on here cares about where he's playing his computer from except for you. He was hacking stuff onto my server and he got banned from it, i did my job.
  12. I have the Hero skin and yes you do move faster. I can't really say much about the durability of it but i was bombarded by 40mm grenades by a hacker and i actually didn't die as i was running for my life and they were exploding all around me... Looks pretty good though.
  13. So me and a friend were in our helo tonight flying around and we were shot at and such and we would return fire and all was well until we heard some big caliber gun being shot so we fly away because it was night and even with NVG's we had trouble spotting them. So as we are making our getaway i'm bleeding and we stop to land i'd say 1500m away and we are still being shot at and on top of that we are getting hit with this back to back to back... 05.09.2012 01:47:01: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8502,2742,10] [-31,-72,15] 05.09.2012 01:47:08: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8483,2721,10] [-28,-72,15] 05.09.2012 01:47:15: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8470,2699,11] [-28,-73,13] 05.09.2012 01:47:18: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8464,2692,10] [-26,-75,7] 05.09.2012 01:47:21: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8459,2689,10] [-24,-75,7] 05.09.2012 01:47:24: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8454,2680,10] [-21,-75,15] 05.09.2012 01:47:36: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8448,2669,10] [-12,-78,4] 05.09.2012 01:47:38: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8448,2669,10] [-12,-78,4] 05.09.2012 01:47:40: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8448,2669,10] [-12,-78,4] 05.09.2012 01:47:41: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8448,2669,10] [-13,-78,5] 05.09.2012 01:47:43: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8448,2669,10] [-13,-78,7] 05.09.2012 01:47:45: king (REDACTED) 9170e66016b48a614dba3f6088419606 - #0 "G_40mm_HE" [8448,2669,10] [-7,-79,7] I'm not the smartest person in the world but i'm pretty sure that only 8 40mm grenades can be held in your inventory at a time unless i'm missing something. I kicked and banned this person from the server because i'm not quite sure what to make it this. Thanks.
  14. i'm getting kicked from my server for script restriction everytime i try to login to admin?