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Stonecold (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Stonecold (DayZ)

  1. The event itself is pretty brilliant. The interference by staff was very bad idea. Camping a roof with a dmr in the key location? The players should kill each other. Sacriel played very well, it was very anticlimatic and lame seeing him die to a staff member. I was watching psi & panda as I predicted they'll play very silly & bad and thus will be the most entertaining. I was right :lol:
  2. Stonecold (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Dude, I'm all for 3 minutes. If you disconect in a reasonable location (some busches in a forest laying prone) the chance that anyone will find you are so slim that you are practically 100% safe. This game is supposed to be hardcore. It says you need balls in the instalation thread as a requirement. People dcing in fights don't have it obviously and need to get removed from the game, they clearly don't belong here.
  3. Stonecold (DayZ)

    dayz pvp complexity

    I love this game, it's the one I've been waiting for since forever, full sandbox, full loot, permadeath etc. I wonder if the pvp could/should be more complex though. If I play cod I never play free for all or king of the hill. Sometimes I play team deathmatch, but 90% of the time I play seek & destroy. I like objective driven pvp, where the situaction is always changing, one minute you're on the offensive, then you need to defend, you gain the upper hand, than you suddenly lose. Also a game which I very much liked was quake wars, where one was advancing throught several different objectives. In dayz after one learns all the ins and outs of the game, can handle zombies, knows where to find loot and memorizes the map and layout of the cities one kind of reaches the end game which is pvp. Currently the pvp is free for all which i find kind of bland. It also diminishes the roleplaying potential of the game. I don't know where rocket wants to take this game. I wonder if it would be fitting to introduce some factions or objectives. I don't think surviving is a valid objective, because when you learn the game it's actually quite easy and you can do it for a long time. Maybe a world with competing factions, like in fallout games there were riders, cities, bos and whatnot. Each faction could be identified by clothing, maybe could gain control over a town or district. Like having control would make zombies not aggro a members of a said faction. No idea if it could be possible to archive with such limited amount of players per server, but I find the dynamics of politics in eve quite nice. The bandit skin system was not that bad I think, at least one had a choice to join pk or survivors faction. Also on a roleplaying level the free for all mode is not very interesting. I have no problem going friendly with a random person and dying for it from time to time. The criterias on which one makes a decision to shoot someone or not are quite limited atm. In the end I personally like the immersion and pvp, so I wonder if the current system could be somehow made more interesting/complex.
  4. Stonecold (DayZ)

    dayz pvp complexity

    Well, I think I do every kind of pvp dayz has to offer nowadays. I'm in a clan, so we roam the map killing everyone on sight, looting airfields, getting vehicles. We did set up a base several times, but they get compromised/hacked/alphaed so we gave up on it. I go lone wolf inland. If I get a drop on someone, I let them go. I'm kind of in a won position anyway, I like fighting and don't care much about griefing. If he had bandit skin of ghillie I'd most likely shot the guy. I also go electro/cherno for pvp. There I operate on kos, don't care if the other is armed or not. I consider those cities war zones. If you take eve as an example, they already had very complex corporation/alliance mechanics in place, they still added faction warfare to provide players with more gameplay styles. Having mates on voice coms is of course fine, having factions would provide dayz with a deeper rpg context and more options in gameplay. I must admit that I'm myself not sure if it would work fine in dayz or if it's ok with the direction rocket wants to take the game in. And I don't think that it's possible for dayz to archive the rpg goal of degradation of human relationships rocket wants to have for 2 reasons: clans and servers voice comms.
  5. Stonecold (DayZ)

    Wow things have gotten pretty bad

    Here's another story like this: I was playing with a fresh character earlier today. Managed to find some ammo and a crossbow without bolts. As I was sneaking throught Cherno I've aggroed a zed and had to leg it to the roof of the hospital. I've climbed the short ladder and there was this guy on the lower roof looking at his inventory or checking something on the ground. As I had no weapon with ammo I've just run past him, around the corner and jumped down to avoid him turning around and killing me. Then I took the long ladder to the top. From there I've looked down to see the guy laying prone for 2 seconds more, than disconecting. Owned.
  6. Stonecold (DayZ)

    Screw this game

    This mod owns people in so many ways. It's trurly ingenious :D
  7. Stonecold (DayZ)

    What is going on?

    Look it up in the support/troubleshooting section
  8. Stonecold (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    Rocket, dude, you really need to stop improving this game. It already is by far the best thing I've ever played, several more improvement and my head is going to explode...
  9. Stonecold (DayZ)

    Add a sexual anxiety meter

    Yeah gief possibility to make other players squeal like a pig!
  10. Stonecold (DayZ)

    World permadeath

    Player permadeath is something that I was eagerly awaited in video games since forever. The concept could be pushed a bit furher though. Place a nuclear bomb in a random place on the map. In order to activate it one would need to find lots of schematics, electronic parts, specialised tools and what not. It should be lots of things, so that in order of find all needed components one would need a group of people. The parts would also need to originate from one server, so uppon logout those parts would need to be deleted from ones inventory (use tents for safekeeping). When activated the bomb would have 24h countdown, in which time it could be aborted by using exactly the same set of items as needed for activation. When the countdown is up BOOM, everyone dies, all the items on a server get deleted, the server is restarted. Would be probably the most griefing game mechanisc in the gaming history :cool:
  11. Stonecold (DayZ)

    Declaring playstyle by clothes

    Give people possibility to declare their playstyles. This should have nothing to do with humanity level, it should be purely declarative and of course could be used to trick others. Playstyles & clothes: 1. PVE (carebear) - civilian clothes - will only shoot players in self defence 2. consensual PVP - military contractor clothes - will shoot pvp-ers and bandits 3. nonconsensual PVP (bandit) - special forces uniform - will shoot all players 4. enforcer - military clothes - will shoot only bandits One could also be given a choice to spawn in any of those clothes. It could be also possible to change clothes and hence the flagging. As I wander alone I tend to shoot only bandits, but when I roam with my clanmates we kill everyone, so bandit. This mod if fabulous, much :heart: to everyone :D