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About Tr1ToN

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    Hardcore Nation
  1. Tr1ToN

    Time cycle don't work.

    Now i play on stable. I update to exp. for check time fix and i see it's still don't work. Accelerated time on exp. servers don't work too. Time just same on all server and hold like ~2-3 P.M. I hope ure understand me cause my english is shitty)
  2. Tr1ToN

    Time cycle don't work.

    Ok. But time is froze. Just look on the sun in game, he hold one position. omg my english :D
  3. In-game time on all servers froze. On all servers. I connect to night server with ~1-2 A.M. and see daylight. WTF?)) This bug since 0.43.
  4. Tr1ToN

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Accelerated Time on exp. don't work. Ingame time still don't work on stable branch too. The sun just hold one position like ~1-2 P.M. Yes i know my english is "awesome".
  5. Tr1ToN

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Same time on all servers. It's a new bug with day/night cycle? Ingame time just froze.
  6. Tr1ToN

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    Press "TAB" and enjoy.
  7. Dear Admin's. Make vote for set gametime to GMT.
  8. - Name Alex - Location Netherlands - GUID f5716b9197b95b08a67f271cfc9a4c05 - Brief statement explaining why you wish to play on UK#10: Game without hackers.