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About GamingKoalas

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    On the Coast
  1. GamingKoalas

    ALT-F4 will never be fixed

    Your is possessive. Helsing was using "your" correctly. You're is "you are" which in this case, is incorrect. -.-
  2. GamingKoalas

    Zombie Pathing

    Yes. Zombies are a work of fiction. That doesn't mean DayZ zombies can't accurately capture the image of something fictional. So by your logic, no one should even attempt a zombie mod/game/anything related, due to the fact that zombies aren't real. Would you like to address my point on how zombies can't do what their doing if their limbs/motor controls are failing? EDIT: You even implied a "zombie fact" by saying the zombies motor controls are failing and that their erratic movement is rage induced.
  3. GamingKoalas

    Zombie Pathing

    Warping as in erratic movements. Not literal teleporting warping. And if zombie have lost a lot of motor control, they wouldn't be running like Jesse Owens. Also, it's not a "jerk" its more like a 90 degree, on the dime turn that zombies with decaying limbs/muscles/bones would not be able to pull off.
  4. GamingKoalas

    Zombie Pathing

    OP has a very good point. It's not really the difficulty of the zombies that he is complaining about, it's the movement of the zombies that's ruining his immersion. And Womb Raider, why the hostility? OP is drawing a perfectly good point in a well mannered way. And since you do claim that OP has no idea how ARMA works or the coding. Please do enlighten him, as I would like to know why zombies are the way they are now.
  5. GamingKoalas

    That "moment" in DayZ

    Do you mind giving me the name of some northern hot spots? I'm still trying to learn all the important geographic locations:)
  6. GamingKoalas

    That "moment" in DayZ

    A fault I won't repeat hopefully. Have any of you guys tried living in just Elektro? Not the best way to ensure survival, but sounds like it would be intense and a lot of fun.
  7. GamingKoalas

    That "moment" in DayZ

    Intro tl;dr Took a while for me to get past the learning curve I've played Arma II over the past year on and off, and when I heard about this mod, I waited a bit until the whole experience was less buggy and more developed. So yesterday, I installed the mod without a hitch thanks to the abundance of handy guides out there! And what I found out when my toon spawned in the post-apocalyptic world, was that patience and stealth was of utmost importance. Even a seasoned Arma player like me had trouble adapting to this. My first afternoon was filled with deaths. I think I had started over 7 times and each toon lasted anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour. I was becoming kind of frustrated and so I decided to take a break and do something else. The next day, I started fresh. This time I had planned a looting route from a helpful online map of DayZ. I painstakingly crawled and crouch-walked through Elektro. Finally I was rewarded with a revolver and a lee enfield with ample ammo for them both as well as a good supply of food. I was making progress! This was a turning point for me and I thought that this game was going to be awesome. The actual "moment" tl;dr Holy shit! DayZ is amazing! With my new gear, I ventured inside of a multi-level building that reminded me of a small school. There I found my first survivor. Well, that guy WAS a survivor, considering I found him dead. I checked him body and grabbed a can of pasta that was on him. That's when I the shuffling. I look down the hallway and see another guy crawling away from the dead guy I just looted. He was armed with an mp5. I made the connection that he was the murderer of the guy I looted and I proceeded to shoot him in the back of the head. I felt kind of bad, but I felt it was a preemptive strike considering the dead body next to me. The mp5 had around 5 bullets and was not worth taking so I hid it in the corner of the building behind some boxes. My heart was racing. I continued up the stairs and ended up on the roof where I ran into two guys, we quickly stated that we were all friendly and we began to chat. The two guys were looking for some parts to repair a car and I told them I had a tire I didn't on me. They told me that they would give me a spare binocular for it and I said sure. I was just about to drop the tire when I heard the crack of a rifle. The guy died instantly and his friend ran to try and get back in the building. BANG! He died too. I was so shocked at what was happening that I just stood there. It was only when I heard a third bang was when I hit the floor and crawled back inside. It's crazy to think that the two shots that connected with the guys I was just talking to. It could have been me. As I cowered indoors, I realized that this was just a game. Damn...