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Everything posted by NotAHax

  1. NotAHax

    BE is alive, yet

    I agree, i hope they are focusing on standalone to make it beter against hacker, but obvs there isen't game which is hacker proof :P
  2. NotAHax

    LU15 - Server thread

    Yeap Hv Jamal also dced today morning when we ambushed hes bus :(.
  3. NotAHax

    LU15 - Server thread

    Nice clash hv :)
  4. NotAHax

    LU15 - Server thread

    My frend RETRONAB got them, but server restarted instantly and he lost them atleast, so im not sure how many ppl actually got these.
  5. NotAHax

    LU15 - Server thread

    Thank you verymuch Clan TGC for this generous donation. We gladly accept ur Snipers and ur ATV. -Team Dota.Gc
  6. NotAHax

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Few bugs, if you try put item other ppl backbag and they dont have space, item disapears, if you go swim ur inventory disapears
  7. NotAHax

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    After last update, im getting this error: "Data file too short c:\Program files\ steam \ steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhread\expansion\addons\weapons_e.pbo. Expected 302855219 B, got 250347520 B" Anybody know how to fix :S?
  8. NotAHax


    Okay thank you! Is this best way to get contact of you anyway if theres hackers etc? Have been playing server now past weeks with my frends (buugi,retropala,arkker)
  9. NotAHax


    Hey when server gonna be up ;P?