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Everything posted by Pignoussi

  1. Pignoussi

    Why Isn't the Helicopter Respawning?

    On my server, the chopper crashed into the trees at NE of the map on september 4, we waited 7 days for it to respawn, it never respawned. So i moved to the location of the crash and made a restart, i see a big explosion at the crash location, but not any wreck, only broken trees everywhere. So i'm a unable to save the destroyed chopper and it seems i'm fucked...
  2. As an admin, i personally ban every single people using hacked stuff on my server, i dont give a fuck if they are cheating or not, don't want to be banned? Use legit stuff. And stop crying if you dont.
  3. Hello, I just bought a server from dayzhosting.com, everything was going well but when i tried to play on it, after the loading screen i get this message: This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application, blablabla. The server has been created yesterday, he runs the latest version of the mod and the beta, what am i supposed to do? Thanks for the help.