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Everything posted by mohammedsaeedalsahaf

  1. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    Change the colour of hunger/thirst indicators?

    if you run around much .eat and drink every hour just like in real life
  2. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    Any Military Vets Around that want to Group Up?

    nice,great idea to start team up at the ts3 server.. i am online and waiting in the ts3 channel.. i will try to get as many people with me so we can start this war.
  3. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    Why dont we just take a city?

    Good idea the best will be if they put all servers together in one big main server
  4. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    Introduce yourselves

    OFFICERSWANSON Friendly ,but prepared
  5. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    Any Military Vets Around that want to Group Up?

    Hey,i am not a veteran. Hope you guys dont mind. Have some idea to set up an army ingame, where we build our headquarters, store our vehicles/stuff etc. etc. From there we can form squads with leaders and go on patrol missions to gain more equipment and vehicles. To start a war against zombies and other militias. It is an idea,maybe you guys and others with me feel the same and it would be a nice roleplaying ingame as well.
  6. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    DayZ Update 1.5.2

    Looks like the zombies didnt give up
  7. mohammedsaeedalsahaf

    ARMA 2: DayZ Mod Installation

    Nice video,good for the people like me who didnt understand and worked over 8 hours to get it working. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK