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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    Speak for yourself. You can destroy a supressor very easily if you don't know what you are doing, and just carry a weapon repair kit around and you'll be fine.
  2. hells high

    Anti-Stab Vest?

    I've found them in there for the past couple of patches.
  3. hells high

    Stable Branch - 0.53 Discussion

    Watching those Battleye ban messages roll in is just... beautiful.
  4. hells high

    Anti-Stab Vest?

    This is not true, they spawn in train stations as well. Just found one on .53 in pristine condition in Svetlo.
  5. My suggestion would be to take a brea- Oh, okay. Well alright then. There's nothing wrong with being unhappy with the performance or feature set of an in development product as an end user. Its the side of video games most gamers don't get to see, and there's a reason. Besides, there are plenty of cool games out there right now to play. DayZ will be here when you get back, and in better shape as well. :) Edit: Also I'd like to clarify what Brian is talking about. When he says nothing of lasting measure could be done until closer to release, he means optimization. Basically optimizing is where you go through and streamline all the rendering and coding to be as low impact as possible while still achieving the desired effect. This means that the content needs to be generally solidified and unlikely to change, as changing will generally require re-optimizing that portion. They could in theory optimize the game with each patch, but that would add HUGE amounts of time onto the development of each patch and stretch development potentially by years. When they are constantly changing, adding, rewriting, and rebuilding parts of the game it would be an exercise in futility to spend countless hours to streamline those parts only to be redone or completely broken by a different system the next day. Software development is pretty ugly.
  6. hells high

    Clans treating DayZ like ARMA?

    The point of an open world sandbox is to do what you like. While I find scraping at the ground in the woods planting gardens interesting someone else might not, that's the beauty of games like DayZ.
  7. hells high

    I dont get the reason

    Because you can do whatever you want in DayZ. Maybe try joining an RP community if you don't like the open gameplay.
  8. hells high

    travel more.

    I only recently visited the coast for the first time in ages to find some netting. Would not recommend.
  9. hells high


    If the world goes to shit and people are running around trying to kill eachother you can bet your ass I'll be trying to conceal myself as best as possible.
  10. Found my first one this morning. Got crazy lucky with a crapload of burlap and wound up with this beautiful setup.
  11. hells high


    I tend to play with green civilian gear, but recently ran across a bunch of burlap sacks and couldn't help trying it out. The best camo IMO has always been TTSKO, it just fits so well into the foliage and colours of Chernarus. Now paired with green painted ghillie it seems to blend in even better.
  12. hells high

    The Winchester Model 70 discussion thread

    Soviet snipers did just fine with the PU scope on their specialized Mosins.
  13. Oh no, server hopping on a fun and temporary experimental build. What ever will we do. The horror.
  14. hells high

    Found a MP-133 Pistol Grip Shotgun

    I found one on a shelf in the Police Station at Komarovo. My AKS74u fits in my high cap vest but the shorty shotgun doesn't, so I'd be more inclined to use the regular pump action as it holds more shells for zombie killing fun.
  15. hells high

    Status Report - Week of 27 Oct 14

    Excellent stuff, loving the progress!
  16. hells high

    Experimental Branch: 0.50 Discussion

    I imagine its the same way the weather system was exaggerated in Exp before it went to stable.
  17. hells high

    Can we stop this instant-ruined-everything stuff?

    That's actually not what I said, and if you'd read my comments and the exchange I was having with the person you'd get the context and realize I wasn't defending one hit damage. I was talking about their ability to wreck stuff in general. They aren't under constant adrenaline rushes. They wander around and are quite docile until you piss them off. The AI right now is very basic as well, so its hard to judge what their behavior will be like, but the general consensus for living "zeds" is rage virus. Heightened aggression and loss of higher cognitive function. When they see you they want to kill you, animalistic, baser instincts type deal. Fight or flight. Body kicking into overdrive.
  18. hells high

    Can we stop this instant-ruined-everything stuff?

    Yeah, and the general consensus of infected zeds is that is a rage virus of sorts. Adrenaline and rage do a lot to the human body, its not the same as you standing there and punching something.
  19. hells high

    Eating and drinking system - Please, just give it up.

    Before this thread I would have said that I'd rather not just play dress up and shoot people, but how forcefully and angrily you stated your opinion has changed mine. Clearly you speak for the majority because of how self-righteously you stated your criticism of the game. Hunger and thirst needs balancing, this is after all an early in development piece of software and things will need to be tuned and altered. But the hyperbole is a little much, "Bohemia is stupid and nobody likes the system and blarghablarghablargh!" There are much better ways to state an opinion that prompt discussion rather than arguments of extremes and posting of Weird Al videos.
  20. hells high

    Can we stop this instant-ruined-everything stuff?

    You'd be surprised what you could do without a sense of pain and a one track mind to kill what you are hitting.
  21. My favorite visions of the apocalypse are the ones where certain people establish themselves with identities and symbols, see Fallout, Wasteland, The Book of Eli, STALKER, Metro, etc. Warring tribes and nations often use symbols (headdresses, certain colours, certain clothing or armor, certain weapons, etc etc) to intimidate or identify and even boost morale. Obviously a lot of this is tied into the art direction of the game, so you aren't going to have this kind of thing unless its built in by artists, but there can be some within the confines of the game world itself. Colour, painting, and dyeing sounds like a pretty sound way to go about it within DayZ's world imo.
  22. hells high

    Can we stop this instant-ruined-everything stuff?

    I do like that clothing and items take damage, but it does need work. I thought I heard somewhere that the instant ruining of clothing was an issue related to poor server performance.
  23. hells high

    Why are social interactions so scarce?

    Unfortunately a lot of people have been soured by the bare bones gameplay that comes along with an in development game. Because we got access to the game when the only real thing to do was find guns and kill eachother, people are used to that kind of gameplay, usually shooting first rather than risk dying. Its also pretty easy to survive on your own at the moment. It is my hope that as the feature-set gets expanded and there is more to do people will start interacting a bit more, whether that interaction is negative or positive is part of what makes DayZ exciting. With private shards of the hive coming out we'll also start to see communities pop up centered around playing certain ways, where one might actively encourage interaction and another might encourage PvP.
  24. hells high

    Status Report - Week of 13 Oct 14

    If I remember correctly the M4 was their testbed for weapon attachments, just because its so easy to stick things on. In the same way the attachment systems have gone to other weapons I could see the AUG being another testbed for the expanded parts modularity, and that being added to other weapons. Personally I'd love to see a civilian semi auto AR15 that would be a little more common. All of the M4 stuff would work on it, including potential modular barrel lengths and such. See above. Besides, why is spending time gathering parts in the apocalypse such a negative? That's one of the most rewarding parts for me. Not quite, the AK101 is the export variant of the AK74. So basically it'll look kind of like the AK101 with the wooden furniture on it, though the furniture is not the same design on the 74. The AK74 is also chambered in a different cartridge, the 5.45 instead of the 5.56. Care to explain what you mean by this universal mounting system? Are you saying they should only add attachments that can fit on everything or that everything should fit on every gun regardless of its actual mounting system? (i.e. The hunting scope mounts on the top of a blaze won't accept an ACOG, so what are you suggesting they do with it?) There are already pictures of the GP grenades and launcher for the AK pattern rifles. Not all supressors are going to work on all barrels, you are correct. This is again where I ask about your universal mounting system because you seem to be poking holes in that idea yourself. Also no the Steyr AUG is most commonly chambered in 5.56 when it was designed in the late 70's. The 9mm AUG Para variant you are referring to didn't come into production until 1988, and even then they still continued to produce 5.56 variants. Not sure where your research came from on that one.
  25. hells high

    Status Report - Week of 13 Oct 14

    I'm very excited to see what kind of things that could lead to for current and future weapons.