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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    Do you want the new version of NEAF?

    I don't tend to go there, the wide open airport on the hill is a big no-no for people that want to stay alive. :P This new one looks cool though, maybe people will have to come inland more!
  2. hells high

    Trigger simulation and Sight Alignment

    I've always been curious about this kind of thing being both an avid shooter and avid gamer. Though I don't agree with a lot of the things you say on these forums, I do agree that this would be an interesting mechanic to become standard in most higher end/skill level shooters. Its the implementation that nobody has quite nailed down yet. The easiest being the PR system of waiting. Simple, and it gets the job done. While a more extreme and potentially clunky (which shooting a firearm really isn't) implementation would be to have your front post and to a large extent your rear post controlled by general mouse movement whilst aiming. Then you'd need a button (probably an extra mouse button) to kind of let the rear post take the lead for fine grain refinement. Letting go of it would put a soft lock on your rear post, allowing you to track your target with minimal rear post drift. If you moved too suddenly or shifted your body it would throw off your sights a little. Its something I'd like to see one day, and I've considered experimenting with it myself. I've always figured VR would obviously be the ultimate solution to this problem. Needing to align the sights not only using your hands but also needing and being able to align your head via head tracking. With projects like Control VR taking off, even scaling this tech back to simply hand tracking would be amazing for virtual experiences. Another thing that would be needed is some kind of analog trigger, one day maybe even a specialized mil sim one with the ability to calibrate the resistance to the real weapon's trigger pull. I took part in a sales program for the essentially now defunct Novint Falcon and received one for free and found the force feedback effects when firing a weapon to be awesome, so that could even make its way into the system. Maybe even as simply as an air powered recoiling device that you held like a firearm, negating the need to simulate dispersion aside from ballistically as the device would kick back your hands which are being tracked into the game.
  3. hells high

    akm stock

    I eventually want taking the wood stock off or folding the wire stock (plz Bohemia :]) to work a bit like the sawn off, allowing you to stuff it vertically into a pack.
  4. hells high

    Why we cant take off our vest ?

    Holy shit.
  5. hells high

    akm stock

    I always go for the attachments I like the look of so I really don't pay attention to what they do (though I do keep a railed grip and flashlight on me for after dark).
  6. hells high

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Its true. In reality the devs should be manually wiping EVERYONE after every patch, but with the nature of early access and the majority of people's acclimatisation to traditional software releases this would cause such horrendous outbursts of anger. You really shouldn't expect everything to be working perfectly and well until it can be considered a full released product or even a release candidate build.
  7. hells high

    CZ 527

    Neat. Next? http://youtu.be/bTwkM7gpx5E?t=4m30s ;D
  8. hells high

    is blaze 95 good for snipe?

    I haven't really used one, but I remember watching this brutal headshot from Berezino's sniper hill. http://youtu.be/bHCpMR07HL4?t=11m18s The guy was quite a ways up there, they go and find him and he's a good ways up there.
  9. hells high

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    Stable servers are unplayable for you? How so, what kind of issues are you experiencing? I have been playing on stable with EXP client since it was pushed without issues.
  10. hells high

    Experimental Branch: 0.46 Discussion

    The biggest thing it seems is the fix for that remote inventory hack, where hackers could access your inventory. The wording of his comment on it is very strange though. He says "it's the same content, but versioned 0.45" which I'm going to assume its everything that would have been included in 0.46, just called 0.45. Some people seem to speculate it means there is no new content, but a 600+MB update for some antihack doesn't really add up. Ah well, guess we'll see when the servers come back up! :D
  11. hells high


    Since the beginning I've pictured ambushes on rival groups' vehicles on the Northern highway with hidden explosive charges, followed by a massive gunfight. Once the systems facilitating this sort of thing are in place, I would like to make the machinima I've daydreamed about.
  12. hells high

    Q3 Starts on July, Q2 development balance?

    Read the news. They are reworking the entire engine, rebuilding entire parts of the structure of how the engine works, just for this game. Its not the mod, its not reskinned ARMA. Its not an expansion.
  13. hells high

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Success! After running around the entire map for about 3 days I found my first AKM post EXP push (they used to be everywhere). The joke of it is, I found my first one in one of the barracks at the Kamenka/Pavlovo base. After getting all excited and sticking the pristine furniture on, I moved to the next room. Lo and behold a second AKM. The DayZ gods are cruel jokesters.
  14. The last word is overrated, glad you find enjoyment in it though. I'm pretty sure the function of the weapon is one thing the designer implementing it can test to a certain extent. Honestly I like needing to gather the things to test them out in the context of the actual game and how players will use it.
  15. hells high

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    The rubber banding you seem to be talking about is due to desync and lag. It happens to me any time the server is lagging or my internet is lagging. The real issue before this patch got pushed out was on EXP where the server could decide whether or not you had left the building so it would snap you back to the top. That would happen regardless of latency any time you were near buildings and didn't navigate properly.
  16. Wanna know what's pathetic? This argument. I have been looting for many days now trying to find the AKM (note to qww, this doesn't mean I'm server hopping). A few trips around the map and I've found plenty of attachments and plenty of ammo and plenty of mags but not one single rifle. I like that I can't just say "oh, I'll run here and find this gun".
  17. This is definitely a polish phase thing. We are already seeing some of the overturned humvees and blood splatters on the walls. I know you said alpha but these sorts of things are definitely usually banged out further on in development.
  18. hells high

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Are you using the action in the action menu or just hitting it with LMB? Make sure to use the "Chop Firewood" action, you can literally spam in like you can to drink water and it will fall over very quickly.
  19. Changes to the patch would require more testing, which would require it to not be pushed to stable. It is on experimental to be tested before it is pushed to stable for the masses. Making large scale changes to the patch somewhere between experimental and stable would essentially render the point of experimental moot. Either way, no. This patch actually reinvigorated my faith after the horrors of Berezino M4 deathmatch. The fact that I can sit in the woods, kill animals, pick fruit, cook meat, and catch fish has me incredibly excited for the future.
  20. hells high

    Where do I find the AKM?

    Doesn't bother me too badly considering the wood handguard and folding stock is my jam anyway. :D I have been looting pretty much all day and have not come across a single AKM yet. Before the patch that added the rail system they seemed to be everywhere. Now I've got hundreds of rounds, plenty mags, and every single attachment (including the ones that come with the gun) in pristine condition, but can't for the life of me find the damned rifle! I just want to carry it around in the woods and look at it, telling myself how cool it is lol.
  21. hells high

    So if you had an M4 before the 0.45 patch

    I was always the wierdo that would use 30 round mags with my M4, occasionally picking up a 60 rounder to restack my ammo. :P In experimental I followed that same principle, picking up a 75 round drum for the AK, saying "coorrr", and unloading all of the ammo out of it. THey definitely seem more rare now in the stable push.
  22. hells high

    No one cares about the new city?

    I showed a couple of new people there after having been there a bit in experimental. We ran into 3 or 4 other players, all friendly and just exploring the place. Its really not that great for later game people, tons of residential spawns to get you healthy and ready to hit the road.
  23. hells high

    Where do I find the AKM?

    I was running around in Experimental last week with a black stocked AKM. The painted texture wasn't that great but it was working. The foregrip wasn't paintable though.
  24. hells high

    Bug with painting M4 Hand guard RIS?

    I find bipods literally everywhere, most commonly in the small garages. No need to go to the tents for those. Also this might be something to put on the bug tracker.
  25. hells high

    So if you had an M4 before the 0.45 patch

    I've been playing EXP hardcore for so long, after dieing today I decided to hop onto Regular and found this character. Now on Hardcore all I really want is an AK. Why DayZ gods, why?! :c