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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. I tend to hang around Solinichniy and do the same. Either distributing food and helping brand new players or killing bandits much in the same way this went down.
  2. hells high

    What's worse? Being KoS'd or held up

    Oh look another one. I've never heard of a single hold up experience that didn't go something like this (minus the savior) - http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165282-to-my-guardian-angel-with-a-high-powered-rifle/
  3. hells high

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    You don't need to say things outright for them to be implied. The entire wording of you posts imply that these people are idiots and you deserve compliance for being a "friendly bandit". Its okay though, I've killed plenty of "friendly bandits" while they attempted to hold up new spawns in Solinichniy. Then I generally distribute food and supplies to the townsfolk. If you want to change the way people play try interacting with them in a way most people don't, instead of making an obnoxious "holier than thou" bandit thread.
  4. hells high

    So why do people refuse being held up?

    Because people that have almost no gear have no reason to stay alive. Because it annoys them and they want to try to hurt you for trying. Because most often people will kill someone shortly after stealing all their stuff and wasting their time. Because this is a video game where consequences don't matter. Take your pick, but stop acting like you are some kind of hero that deserves praise and compliance because you didn't automatically shoot the poor sod in the face. Hold up someone that actually has a reason to stay alive.
  5. Clearly you are doing something wrong mate. I've been to every airfield and military base and every town on the coast with my current character at "Healthy", even hanging out and helping new spawns at Solnichniy (with minimal minor scrapes.) Gameplay over visual fidelity, and if you were shot or otherwise injured enough to make you bleed nonstop I'm sure you wouldn't be operating to your full ability.
  6. I like the idea of MOLLE being a factor here instead of simply having a set amount of inventory on your plate carrier. I don't know how in depth they wanted to go with them, but I would definitely be looting far and wide for extra MOLLE pouches. Maybe making the SAPIs separate, rarer loot items as well? Or maybe giving you one but it becomes almost useless after one or two ballistic hits and you have to find another?
  7. hells high

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    Your idea of "authenticity" seems to fall under the same category as a lot of gamers file their idea of "realism", where instead of actually making things realistic and/or authentic they simply try to make things artificially harder. No one shot kills anywhere on a human is not authentic, we'd have a lot less people on this planet if it was. The human body doesn't exactly like having a small chunk of lead blow a hole in its cleverly constructed self, but its not an automatic kill switch. Organs can rupture from shockwave or impact, arteries can be severed and blood can be lost, but bullets can also pass through with relatively minor (all things considered) damage. Blood clots, tissue heals, and we are incredibly resilient piles of organic matter. Hell people survive being shot in the head. However calculating and efficiently modelling all of that is incredibly costly and time consuming, so for now games resort to standard "hit here, do this much damage" models; the more "advanced" ones even going into "hit here, exit here, with this from this distance and do this much damage". Expanding on this and simulating virtual organs (not rendered, but calculated in the hit detection) is probably the most authentic we're going to get in video games for a little while. And even what we have now is certainly more elegant and makes MUCH more sense than this one hit kill everywhere nonsense.
  8. hells high

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    ^ Didn't realize they added horses yet. Careful you two, don't fall off now.
  9. I don't. I've been playing on the Civil Warriors server and hanging out at Solychniy, giving new spawns some food and drink and giving new players some advice and even help; all with my Mosin, Revolver, .45, and a crapton of ammo for each. I've only shot one person there, because I walked up and waved, said hi, and asked if he needed anything. Instead of answering he tried to pull his rifle off his back so I shot him in the chest. If I come across an armed player I tend to simply hide and be ready to return fire, but have never initiated hard contact.
  10. hells high

    *Workarounds to some common bugs*

    - If you switch items/weapons with them raised your character will stop moving, but if its lowered you can switch while on the move. - Switching weapons while crouching ALWAYS (for me anyway) results in the character putting it away immediately after. I've had hit and miss success with simply doing it in the inventory. - Take M4 mags and 7.62 cartons into your inventory before emptying them or the bullets will most likely disappear. Also make sure you have an inventory slot available for the bullets to go into, or they might empty onto the ground and will likely glitch. - Make sure you are in an open area away from trees before dropping a case/ammo can. I've accidentally traded many cases for an item instead of putting the item inside and end up with a case glitched into a wall. I like to hide in evergreens to sort out items, and dropped items like to spawn inside the tree's trunk, making them inaccessible. I'm sure I'll come up with more. I like to hang out on the coast and help newbies get started, usually passing on this kind of knowledge. Edit: Never raise your melee weapons unless you are trying to look around it. The physically accurate nature of the melee system will follow the animation, hitting to the right of your character (go inside a house and stand parallel to a wall to try this out). Always attack in the lowered position to ensure center hits, also accounting for the swing time on moving targets.
  11. hells high

    These alpha bugs are killing me, literally.

    I've never experienced these types of bugs in my ~60 hours of play. What kind of pings and desync numbers are you getting when these issues are occurring?
  12. hells high

    Being a bandit that doesn't KoS feels good.

    I love that this comment comes from someone with a Patrick Bates avatar.
  13. hells high

    Should they bring back General chat?

    ^ Pretty much this. I was so glad to see general chat gone in the standalone.
  14. You say that like this poll is the deciding factor on the course of the game, and like Dean gives a shit what the vocal minority thinks would make the game "easier". :P From what I've seen they're really not looking for players input on how to change the course of the game. Sure there is some input in terms of loot balance and whatnot but I wouldn't worry about the vanilla game becoming what you listed in your first option. People bought the game as it is, based on Rocket's vision for it. The people that are happy with the current systems aren't going to post every day about how they don't want them to change, it makes no sense. Trust me, if these sorts of changes started happening on the development side (rather than specific servers, which is great flexibility that makes PC gaming great) you'd hear just how strongly the silent majority really feels.
  15. hells high

    The starting "kit" bothers me.

    Its almost like its a video game and the focus is on authenticity based design to make the game fun. Starting with no flashlight is a terrible idea, just because you like to crank the gamma and brightness at night doesn't mean everyone else does.
  16. hells high

    Proving my innocence

    You killed someone in a video game and they got mad. Its about time to move on methinks.
  17. hells high

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    Klyka and Helloween4545 stream their sessions and then upload them to Youtube often.
  18. One of these threads. No you don't, don't participate in Alphas in the future and you will have much better experiences.
  19. hells high

    End-Game Playstyle

    I like to hide military loot in residential areas.
  20. hells high

    Best Character Contest.

    No helmet or gas mask, never! Radar caps and ushankas 4 lyfe. I scoured the NWAF looking for that pristine holster, passing over tac vest after tac vest, m4 after m4.
  21. hells high

    Dental Hygiene (Not as bad as you think)

    A pass for me on this one. Worrying about hunger and thirst is one thing, but once you start having to brush and floss your character daily we start to go down a VERY, VERY deep rabbit hole.
  22. hells high

    Mosin or M4? Consider upcoming changes to game

    M4 based on utility, I like to have a lot of bullets at my disposal very quickly. However with my current character I'm running a Mosin and revolver in a chest holster just for fun.
  23. hells high

    How many people do you kill in a life on average?

    0, I tend to just avoid people, and anyone I've gotten the drop on has been friendly.
  24. hells high

    Why aren't PvE servers allowed?

    Because this is an alpha test and we are supposed to be playing the game the way the devs intended it. After release or when they start supporting modding and custom servers I'm sure they will let you create highfive and hugging only servers if you like.
  25. hells high

    I just don't find item decay fun...

    Also a lot of the wording in your post indicates you don't fully understand the alpha test concept, especially the last sentence.