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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    Have yet to find a shotgun?

    Piano house. I found 2 next to eachother at the new city. Dropped it immediately because the sound effect made me throw up in my mouth. ^_^
  2. hells high

    Two things that annoy me the most

    Its almost like they are polish issues addressed in late stages of development instead of an alpha version where the focus is getting the main features and structures fleshed out. hoodathunkit? I'd hardly call that tearing him a new one, society has made you soft.
  3. hells high

    Feeling omnipotent...

  4. hells high

    I'm now killing on sight.

    Becoming part of the problem is always the solution, right? :P I won't team up with geared strangers for that reason. I usually hang out around newbie areas with weapons away, handing out food or teaming up with newbie as a kind of guide or escort. Only geared people I hang out with are my friends. ^^
  5. I believe what I was doing is having a discussion. Just because a second person disagrees with another's point doesn't mean they are "starting a fight". Actually bullets don't go EXACTLY where you point them, try lobbing 9mm from a short barreled pistol at a 200 yard steel plate and compare your number of hits to a long barreled rifle; but that is besides the point. The point I'm making is that the current systems are gamey, of course, but they are are trying to pack all of the factors like sway, weapon accuracy, condition, supported and unsupported, etc etc into some easy to tweak variables. Like I said, this isn't ARMA. Maybe (and hopefully) one day they'll go in and make some more "realistic" changes to the firearms mechanics, but I'd rather see them focus on survival and worry about that later.
  6. You go to Elektro and are surprised that you run into someone?
  7. Dude, relax. And no different shapes of compensators do actually vent gasses backwards to reduce recoil. Reducing recoil reduces shooting fatigue, and if you are going to argue that we don't need to talk any further. Yes they are gamey systems because this is a video game; not sure if you noticed. Bipods help you stabilize your shots, making YOU more accurate. But this isn't a military simulator, its not supposed to be. Packing these kinds of factors into gamey stats is a quick and effective way to make it work. The mod was built on ARMA 2 and therefor used ARMA 2's systems. This is its own game, and maybe one day they'll model all of the sway and whatnot and you can continue pretending this is a military simulator, while I eagerly await new survival mechanics. There are also much, MUCH more constructive ways to express your concerns with the firearm mechanics than "this is fucking stupid." Edit: I don't know a whole lot of random people that would be able to just pick up an AR15 platform rifle and operate and maintain it effectively either, so there you go.
  8. I really think this'll be a popular city, being so close to the NEAF and cargo ship with a lot of its own nice stuff to boot: An enter able train station: At LEAST 3 or 4 of one of my favorite buildings, as it usually has food, ammo, Mosins and now shotguns; I found two next to eachother downstairs here: A lot of these big apartment complexes, reminiscent of Zelenogorsk: A new(?) police station based around a circular staircase with a ton of enterable rooms. Super easy to fortify with only one entrance, buggy stairs and sheltered roof access: There's also a ton of other residential areas, a gas station (where people often forget to look under the counter for ammo and soda), a large amount of parked civilian and police cars that you can search, and some garages. Nothing seemed to spawn in the new police station, nor the cars or train station. There also aren't any zombies there yet, but it will definitely be one of my new go to places.
  9. hells high

    Went for a walk up to the new coastal city.

    This isn't quite night time, and Photoshop has some nice contrast and brightness tools. The moon's fullness/visibility can affect nights sometimes as well. If you've ever lived or been to a rural area with a full moon, you know just how bright it can be.
  10. If the recoil is less powerful you are less likely to flinch when pulling the trigger or be fatigued after a few shots. Its also a video game dude.
  11. hells high

    Went for a walk up to the new coastal city.

    Ooo I didn't come across that, have any pictures? I'm a long ways away now.
  12. hells high

    The Hero

    Been trying to create a less threatening looking character that can still blend into the environment and carry a good amount of gear. People don't seem to hate me on sight as much as if I were wearing camo.
  13. Not really a new item as much as a new texture but I just scored myself some bitchin booties at the cargo ship! ^^
  14. First off, I'd like to clear away any notion of this being a "you paid for the privilege of testing this game" thread. Testing is something people get paid for in the games industry, and game companies have figured out that they can cut back on testing costs with things like early access. That might make it sound bad, but I actually think it can be a very good thing and I'll get to why in a minute. Now, with the latest patch a lot of the back end stuff has been overhauled. With this kind of massive change to the bones of the game issues are to be expected, especially for anyone that has worked in software/game development. In a normal circumstance employed (or volunteer, coming from things like mod development) testers would launch the latest build of the program or game and say "whoa, shits gone awry son". They would then gather as much information as they could and send it through the proper channels. The appropriate party would then probably replicate the issue, and begin working on why it happens and a subsequent fix. Rinse and repeat. As consumers who are generally exposed to nothing but the end products (or in some cases, highly polished late-beta products) this kind of process can be very alien, as anyone with experience can tell by some responses early access products get. Usually when we get a piece of software touted as being finished and it has glaring bugs, unfinished features, and is broken or generally unpolished we toss it. Whether that means seeking a refund, warning others about it, or writing blog posts on things other than your blog about how angry you are. With early access, people unfamiliar with the process are expected to tolerate these kinds of things after having paid money. Now this is where my point comes in; I've noticed an increase in "refund" posts since the latest patch. There was some internal testing at Bohemia, and some smaller scale external testing with the Experimental Build Branch of this alpha test; but now all of those back end changes have to be plugged into the entire public server population. Changes that, in some respects, rejig the bones of how the game interacts with servers/clients are plugged into public servers that have been doing their own thing on those bones. Its not going to be without a few hiccups here and there. Some people get that, but a large (and generally vocal group) doesn't understand that its part of the process. It's not that they are all stupid, its just an alien process. So these people, whom are used to fairly solid software, revert to pre-early access ways and demand refunds or get angry. The thing is (okay HERE'S where my point comes in) you don't even have the product you paid $30 for. It doesn't exist. That thing is months and months and months away from existing. Go ahead, look on your computer, make sure to check the hidden files, I'll wait here... Its not there. What you are experiencing bugs and issues and CHARACTER ROLLBACKS !!GASP !!SCREE OH THE HUMANITY on is an alpha build prototype of that end product. Its like a 20% finished sculpture or a 20% finished painting. Most people don't buy those because, who cares?! The difference is that games companies want you to help them make that 100% finished sculpture or painting the best one possible. The point of testing is to get all of those evil bugs and broken or even dead-ended features fixed or replaced. For paid employees its all part of their job, for early access players like us its an opportunity (note that I said opportunity, not privilege) to make sure that $30 product we pre-ordered is the best $30 we ever spent. When you buy an early access game its because you BELIEVE in the developer's vision for it, and you want to see it fully realized. What you get is the opportunity to shape that by testing which features work in the game-world and what doesn't (and bug testing is just kind of a lame, but incredibly necessary step on that path) and of course the chance to try it early, which is HUGE in our instant gratification society these days. So in conclusion, what did you pay $30 for? An idea. A product that doesn't yet exist until some programmers at Bohemia hit compile on some files titled version 1.0 (or whatever their internal build conventions are, same diff man!) What you get in return for investing in that idea and for believing in the developers is not only the final product, but also the privilege opportunity to provide feedback on what you like and dislike by playing the current prototypes, ultimately shaping the games final form. You are also inevitably bug testing on the scale that the full product will be on (more people = more chances to find bugs = more chances to fix bugs = better final product), which is mutually beneficial to everyone involved. Apologies for the super cool blog story, I enlarged the important parts for my ADHD friends, but hopefully this will get some attention from the community here; and maybe JUST MAYBE we can see less "it's an alpha!" posts as a result. Cheers, HellsHigh TL;DR its an al-..
  15. hells high

    M4 in construction site

    Found a pristine fireaxe in a house between Solnichniy and Berezino.
  16. hells high

    The lack off loot is not right ???

    Maybe they've decreased loot spawns? I've also been finding a ton of stuff in places like Solnichniy that look looted, and people simply miss it.
  17. hells high

    DayZ not Worth a Buy

    If controls and animations are the deciding factors in his "review" I don't even need to watch it. Best thing about the internet: everyone can get their ideas and opinions out there. Worst thing about the internet: everyone can get their ideas and opinions out there.
  18. hells high

    Don't Touch the Spray Cans

    Good! Now go report it, so they can get to fixing it for the release!
  19. hells high

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    No I believe he was replying to someone else that complained they even tried it.
  20. Okay, well I disagree, and I think this idea that you paid for the alpha is one of the biggest problems affecting Early Access games. Because when you pay early access you still get the finished product, regardless of whatever price increase comes about. They realize that investing in an idea and purchasing a game that isn't finished yet is a gamble, and make that initial investment for early adopters cheaper. In short, I still disagree, but thanks for your input, friend. Well of course you don't get to turn a 3rd person air combat game into an FPS with laser beams or something, but the best way to see how certain things work is by play testing them on a massive scale. If you look at almost any early access page or statement, it will say something about "being a part of the development process" or "helping to make the game better." Buying into early access is kind of a statement of belief in the idea as it already exists, so claiming that you want to change the idea completely should and probably will be disregarded. To me shaping involves more than just the overarching vision, its down to even the finer details. For example, there seems to be a bug right now where you can only load one bullet into the Mosin Nagant; or at least most people believe it is. What if it was a design choice? The player base has already expressed their feelings on this, generally being quite negative. Now you are right, if this were a design choice the developers have absolutely no obligation to change it. Maybe the vast majority of the community will be annoyed but they'll get over it. However I would like to think that the team is working on this game because they love making games, and they want to make DayZ the best it can be. The whole reason we have these forums is to provide our feelings, experiences, and our ideas to the team. Then they can collect all of that data and see a general, overall feel about a certain area of the game. From there they can determine what players like and what they dislike, and then choose whether to disregard it, ask for (or look at already existing) suggestions, or come up with their own based on internal ideas.
  21. The hardcore hive definitely seems to be having some issues. I've been reset when rejoining the same server. Hopefully we'll get an official word on it soon...
  22. Very very true. People get burned, but there is ALWAYS potential for that when you pre-order an incomplete product. Again it all comes back to having to believe in the devs and the ideas. I had played and enjoyed the mod (and listened to Rocket's ideas for where he wanted to take the standalone), so I believed in the idea. I've also been playing Bohemia's products and supporting them for years. Consumers can't blame anyone but themselves honestly. Really glad to see such constructive additions to the topic, thanks guys!
  23. I think we can blame that kind of selective viewing on people being conditioned to click "accept" or "ok" on Terms and Conditions and EULA's without reading them. South Park's Human Cent-iPad episode comes to mind.
  24. I'd agree to this if they also added its short, angry little commando brother! ^^