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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    Duplication exploit - need for global wipe?

    Talking out of your ass must take a lot of practice, I'd like to take some classes as it could be a neat party trick. Clearly you know nothing about software development. You are also way too attached to your virtual items.
  2. hells high

    DayZ Standalone Gun Review/Gameplay- SKS!

    Everything about this weapon is amazing... EXCEPT for the animation where he puts it into battery. If only it was a pull and release animation it'd be flawless... I don't even know if the SKS is like the Garand, where inserting rounds unlocks the bolt carrier (correct me if I'm wrong, SKS owners), so it might even be impossible to chamber the weapon the way it is currently. My only real gripe, will probably be my new weapon of choice. Edit: What I mean, not sure if the Yugos are different than the Ruskies (again, SKS owners): http://youtu.be/bgCoG4eT0p0?t=11m14s Just a minor thing, but oh so satisfying.
  3. hells high

    Alcohol tincture and sick?

    Strange, last I was sick from zombie attack I used the alcohol to clean my wounds regularly (every time I stopped) and about 20-30 minutes later I was no longer sick.
  4. hells high

    In-game sound needs to be re-worked

    If you can't hear them then you should try to see them, hence looking around more. The issue here is laziness.
  5. hells high

    In-game sound needs to be re-worked

    A lot of what you posted are bugs. Just saying. Also visual indicators for sound is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard, considering the two are completely different sensory cues and sticking them together is one HELL of an easy mode crutch. NO THANKS. In ARMA 2 its used to simulate catching movement in your peripheral vision. If you keep losing your friend maybe you need to look around a little more.
  6. hells high

    The new Magnum sound..

    The very first one they had was awesome, then it changed a little bit and was worse, and now it looks like they replaced it completely with the wrong sound effect. Bohemia have never been very good with sound effects to be honest, but this looks like an accident. I just want some very big, thunder-cracky, echoey sounds that will roll over the hills when a shot rings out. Its not a combat game, where gunshots are the norm, a gunshot should be something that startles the shit out of you and travels more realistically.
  7. hells high

    Bambi's Knocking Out Geared Players.

    I've ran into a lot of you. I hang out with a big bag of food and ask new spawns if they need some. Every once in a while someone tries this, nobody has succeeded on me and they wind up with either a bullet or a load of shot in them.
  8. hells high

    Top 10 Things to do in DayZ (While we wait for more)

    Why not try gearing up a total stranger? I've actually been able to group up with two noobies and not get murdered. You can tell the noobies from the shitheads because the shitheads will try to punch you to death when you ask if they want some food. Just don't run up and say "HEY WANNA GROUP UP!?" I personally like handing out food and supplies at the coast, although the server I play on has been overrun with people that just don't care anymore. People used to be greatful, now they try to punch me in the face. ^^ Try creating a character if you are into that RP stuff, don't just sprint for a set of camo and a ballistic helmet. I was a little bitchy after my last character so I ran down the coast naked looking to punch some bambi killers and waste their ammo. First thing I came across was a battle zone between a bunch of bagheads with makeshift clothes. Took a dead one's gear and clothes, then my friend logged in and we thought it'd be fun to dress a little unconventionally. After he left I found some black cargo pants and a stab vest, so I decided to try running without a storage vest or a hoodie, and ended up offsetting the lack of storage with a mountain backpack. Now I'm trying to build a black cargo pants, hoodie, and beanie wearing bandit that only uses a .45 kept in his pants that robs people at gunpoint. Although I've never been a bandit before, and every time I try I end up asking if they would like some food. ^^
  9. hells high

    No Surrender types

    It wouldn't be as bad if most bandits took a little of what they needed and left, but the lack of morality in a digital environment means they'd rather rob you, mess with you, have a little fun, and then murder you. If getting "Healthy" wasn't so easy I'd be more willing to take that chance, but for now I'll either hide, fight, or die.
  10. Talking out of your ass for the sake of hearing it OP. You claim to be a developer (what, a real estate developer?) yourself yet you point out lacking features in an alpha build as "empty promises". Yes yes you've made your noises and baseless accusations, and we all heard it and acknowledged its existince but this 9 page thread needs to die. Claiming its anything but babbling diatribe is ludicrous.
  11. hells high

    Screenshot folder ?

    Just use the steam overlay, F12.
  12. hells high

    Reduce The Common Lag In Dayz [Tutorial]

    It has nothing to do with the game, it is a tweak on YOUR system.
  13. hells high

    Let´s talk about FOV...

    I play with a high FOV @ 1680x1050 because I like situational awareness. Exploiting FOV to see further shouldn't be a feature, if you wanna do that then you should have to use the menus. Edit: You can't compare two entirely different engines on what is and isn't hardcoded and easily accessible.
  14. Right now that system is pretty barebones, random stuff gets damaged and I don't believe it'll stay that way.
  15. hells high

    Fix The North West Airfield (Nwaf) [Civilianize]

    You said it yourself. I'd like to see maybe a civilian Airport somewhere else (considering the crashed commercial plane in Cherno and all) but I the military bases should stay as military bases.
  16. hells high

    Demographic Profile Of Dayz Community

    Age: 20 Gender: Male Country: Canada Played mod: A tiny bit, but hundreds of hours in the ARMA games.
  17. hells high

    The Coast Road

    I like the evac wrecks and smashed up cars and general "filling", but loads of roaving zombies might not be a good idea; new spawns have enough trouble in the cities and towns. Also the northern highway has some really nice layouts for future cities. I generally hang out up there.
  18. hells high

    Logging Out - Expermimental Branch 114782

    Sometimes I need to leave the game quickly, to go do stuff. Logging out and having my character chill in a bush would be better for me. Also if you log out in a "safe location" and someone spawns next to you or can easily find you without knowing where you are, its probably not that safe.
  19. hells high

    Quit Talking About Killing Bandits

    Its been around since the beginning, like "bandit camps".
  20. hells high

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    90+ hours, no murders. Shot one new spawn as I was handing out food on the coast because he tried to rush me with a bat.
  21. hells high

    Clothes That Say: I'm The Good Guy.

    Never murdered or robbed a person in my 90+ hours ^^
  22. I'm naturally a giant hoarder, but I've actually gotten better by playing the game. Usually I'd take every 60 round mag because I JUST might need it, but have taken to creating characters that use certain items. I usually take anything cool or nice to my friends or random people on the coast.
  23. hells high

    Character loss for no reason.

    This has only happened to me on hardcore servers. I play on 2 different regular servers (one seems to be down while the other is up) and one hardcore server and that's it. Don't hop and you'll be fine.
  24. hells high

    New weapon! SKS 59/66 Yugo

    I still want the VZ58. :[ Its like a tighter built, more accurate AK.