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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    DayZ SA Event: The Elektro Peace Walk

    Anything Cherno Journo is a-o-k by me. I don't usually head down that way but I just may have to for the event. Whether it goes amazingly or horribly it'll make an amazing video for you guys. ^^
  2. hells high

    New Gun B95

    Not if it shoots Mosin ammo.
  3. hells high

    Bad Habits from other games?

    I press keys from ARMA sometimes.
  4. hells high

    DayZ Carrying Over into Real Life...

    Jack Thompson would have a field day with you.
  5. I know its alpha but why is the current development focused mainly on fleshing out the barebones gameplay mechanics instead of adding polish to the world?! Jesus christ this place some days...
  6. Clearly a hack of some sort, that was the god awful shotgun sound. Plus the multiple, simultaneous and widespread ground strikes are indicative of buckshot. Either way, sniping the supermarket and blatant reflexive combat logging; the OP is an idiot.
  7. hells high

    Combat Logger Didn't Know It Was Patched

    God lower your axe when swinging! D: Either way that was awesome.
  8. hells high

    how many servers do you play on?

    Used to play on two different hardcores, but now I only play on my own. I'll only switch if I wanna join friends or wanna join a server with more people.
  9. hells high

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.33.114926

    Just found a box of Calm Bear, painted the M4 on my back green, and now I'm off to find an SKS! Keep up the good work lads!
  10. If you are going to complain about third person servers, don't play on them. They give you an option so you literally have no reason to complain.
  11. hells high

    How to trick a survivor

    Point a gun at me for any reason other than mutual fear and respect, and you've already made your choice.
  12. I rented one because I couldn't find any hardcore servers on the west coast, and the central US servers are generally always almost empty. Basically it was so I could have a server to play on, but it seems to be pretty popular, compared to the other hardcore servers I've seen. I guess it depends if you consider warm fuzzies of seeing people on your server "worth it". For me having a populated hardcore to play on is pretty worth it.
  13. hells high

    Why not change the "You are Dead"

    Nah. Dead is dead.
  14. hells high

    Glare or Fog on my ACOG

    If you can post a screenshot of it we can help determine if its just the way the game is or if its a graphical glitch of some kind.
  15. hells high

    Beware of gun cleaning kits!

    Because the best way to prevent damage is constant firearm maintenance. Its a cleaning kit, not a replacement barrel. I'm just going to use this ruined cleaning kit on my M4-.. OH SHIT NO NO NO GOD NO.
  16. hells high

    The bullet that broke the bambi's back

    Regular servers have been ruined for me because of this. Not only does it allow you to cheat look around walls but everyone that plays there tends to be a complete asshat. Much better experiences on Hardcore.
  17. hells high

    why good samiritans irritate me

    You have some serious issues that you should talk to someone about. I've helped plenty of people because there's nothing else to do. I don't try to team up with everyone and give them guns and military gear, I ask if they need a bit of food or soda to get them started. Sometimes they are shitheads like you and end up trying to knock me out but they don't live long enough to hit me a second time. I have occasionally hooked up with someone brand new to the game and shown them the ropes, helped them get started, but its never been FORCED onto anybody. I've read your thread and still don't understand why you hate people that want to play friendly, although you seem to have some deep rooted issue with interpreting help as patronizing and rude.
  18. hells high

    My face when

    Cool chan thread Tony Hawk.
  19. hells high

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    2 pages, successful troll.
  20. hells high

    My Last Rant

    You blame the developers for the way other people choose to play their open world game?
  21. If someone isn't responding they are likely talking to people on 3rd party VOIP, usually trying to organize people to kill you.
  22. hells high

    Northern Spawn Points

    Closer to the higher tier gear at the airfields? Not really safe or smart to me. I feel spawning on the eastern coast is excellent. Hell I tend to run north on my spawns, AWAY from the major cities, nothing there for me but death.
  23. I find myself following the gameplay style you have laid out here, and have become very good at surviving and indeed thriving easily after my ~120 hours. However I do not agree with filling your belly with water, because it doesn't contribute to your energy levels which ultimately lead you to that "Healthy" state. You do need water, but soda and even some of the food has water in it. With most of my characters I don't even drink any water, unless I've gone for a run and still have high energy levels. Filling your belly with water takes up that very valuable space for calorie rich foods like spaghetti, beans, and soda that keep you going.