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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    I like the interim, between geared and having enough food to survive. At that point I'm trying to build a character, the experiences are deciding what they'll look like and how they'll act with other characters.
  2. hells high

    Can I recognize if someone logged?

    If I come up to a person and say "hello" and they sit down I tend to walk away unless they attacked me or I needed their supplies.
  3. hells high

    Fix the loot.

    You stayed on the coast, what the hell did you expect? You can literally sprint inland or to the more northern towns immediately after spawning and be completely fine. Learn to play the game before complaining that its broken.
  4. hells high

    Forced headbob for the sake of realism?

    Oh boy who doesn't love when gamers invent "realism". Also got to love incredibly biased and poorly created polls used for nothing other than to make the OP look right. If your view when you run looks like ARMA at full headbob you probably have neurological problems, or your eyes are fused solidly into your sockets. Your head moves when you are walking about, but our eyes don't see in a 1680x1050 stationary panel of pixels that shows a picture of bobbing and weaving as our body sits still. Humans have such a huge field of view and such insane optical resolution. Our brain can make sense of the movement by communicating with the systems of our body that help with balance and positional awareness, and helps to dampen our perception of this movement. Our eyes and our brain can easily get confused if the visual information we are receiving doesn't match up with the body's senses, which is why some people get motion sickness. No, it should not be forced, nor is it realistic to how we perceive motion as human beings. Some people like it (namely re-inventors of what is "real"), but I personally have trouble making a damned thing out when my view is freaking out all over the place (and can see just fine in real life when moving about.) I like that there is a small amount of headbob, because we don't glide around, but forcing everyone to look through a pair of binoculars while doing a 100 meter dash is a great way to make people physically unable to play.
  5. hells high

    New Town? NW

    Yeah they said they were adding health centers and police stations "across the map", so I wouldn't be surprised if some of the designers were also busy building some of the new towns.
  6. The fact that you can stand on your broken legs is weird enough. I've played PLENTY of ARMA and so have gotten used to the idea of scissor kicking myself around, or watching my friends do the same. I kinda like that they're fixing it for DayZ, considering its a survival game rather than a military sim where survival aspects aren't exactly the focus.
  7. hells high

    The most underrated City on the Map

    That's where I meet most friendly survivors.
  8. I'll be your bush wife and bear you 100 children whilst performing all the backbreaking labor that is expected of me.
  9. hells high

    Rad Doll: What do you want to see?

    What's wrong with ARMA 3's ragdolls?
  10. hells high

    Balota Book Exchange - Seattle - Hardcore

    Thank you! Okay guys, the server has been renewed for another month because of Mr. PhilB's generous donation. However it will likely be the last if I don't receive more help with the bills, as I am not a clan with a server that runs ads or anything like that. Hoping this doesn't come across as doom and gloom and pitiful begging, it's just the way it is. Most rented servers will subsist through either donations or ad revenue, and I just ain't rich enough to do it myself. :P Otherwise the server seems to be doing quite well, population still running high the majority of the time and people still add me to tell me they enjoy it. Cheers, HH
  11. Lol you totally owned him nice job OP great work very skillful. ::::::::::::: )))))))))))))))))))))
  12. hells high

    Why Day Z is "Fundamentally Flawed"

    All games are flawed. People are just so sensitive.
  13. hells high

    Is Dayz over?

    You realize that as the leader and ideas guy, Dean is going to be laying a LOT of groundwork and planning in the next 10 months. Everyone keeps yammering that Bohemia has their money and now they don't need to innovate as much, well if you believe that then you have to believe that they certainly aren't going to reverse 10 months of steady fucking work to completely change the game. Jesus.
  14. hells high

    "Flawed Concept" - Discuss

    Any artist or writer or creator will see flaws in their own creations. Dean is just being honest with how he sees the design of DayZ, it doesn't mean they are going to stop development like some of you nutjobs seem to think. I have a little secret to tell you, EVERY CONCEPT IS FLAWED. On paper Communism is one of the greatest things ever created. On paper democracy makes everyone happy. You need to stop picking that out as some kind of personal insult, the concept for the game isn't perfect because NO game concept is perfect. Flawed doesn't mean shitty it means imperfect, and its literally impossible not to be!
  15. hells high

    Character has been deleted 3 times now

    Don't server hop. Boom, timeouts and character deletions from server swapping solved.
  16. hells high

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    Its almost like game development takes time or something. The people adding new clothing items aren't necessarily the same people rewriting parts of the engine to allow for vehicles and persistent storage areas. Wait until the game reaches near 1.0 status before complaining about "missing features."
  17. hells high

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    Plus you do still have more content to look forward to, regardless of what the doomsayers...uh.. say.
  18. hells high

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    It makes sense to be honest, and I respect his decision because its what he wants. Trust me, guys, not many people in the games or digital effects industries get to actually do what they want. Under normal circumstances they get tossed around like disposable assets (see the Irrational shutdown for a recent example). I look forward to seeing what Dean can come up with at the helm for the next 10 months, then what he does afterwards.
  19. hells high

    Is it too much to ask for smooth controls?

    I don't understand why people have so much trouble with ARMA controls. Instead of picking it up knowing full well what its like, then complaining about it, try learning it. Like someone else said don't run full tilt like a numpty everywhere (especially if you are going to try comparing it to real life, how many times have you sprinted into a building round the corner into a room looped around out the door and up the stairs?) I personally don't have a problem with it most of the time, most people I know that spend time figuring it out don't either. Mouse acceleration does need to be fixed though. They seem to want to turn it into an inertia system which is great and all, but the super acceleration that makes you turn slower the faster you try isn't right and will likely be changed. It should be constant if you want to do an inertia system, meaning adding a cap to how fast you can turn with a heavy rifle for example, instead of making you immobile.
  20. North of the NWAF and Svetlo, generally running between them.
  21. hells high

    Balota Book Exchange - Seattle - Hardcore

    Awesome! Thank you so much, it definitely helps! The server runs default the way it came from Multiplay, restarting every 4 hours. I'm not 100% sure if its dynamic depending on the amount of players, but I've definitely played at night usually when there are very few players on.
  22. hells high

    Hardcore: Shouldnt Zoom Not Exist?

    If you can't see someone 200m away, your eyes are probably broken. Translating the insane detail our eyes can capture into visual pixels is difficult. They can stretch and compress to focus on certain objects, changing your field of view and depth of field on the fly. We aren't quite at human eye quality yet, so Bohemia's solution was to add a narrowing of the field of view (like what happens when you focus on a distant object, only, you know, less complicated). There is no actual zooming, simply an on the fly adjustment of the FOV. I'm not kidding, go into the menu and play with the slider, its the same effect.