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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    Placeholder items and release

    LMAO. Yup, Tactical Bacon is the doom bringer, the end of times. Oh god no here it comes! AHHHHG!
  2. hells high

    What's in the gamefiles? LMGs ?

    You can use AR15 mags in the 249.
  3. Of course, a weapon is just a tool and its up to the user. However I'm sure its not lost on you as to why the world's militaries use modern, high powered assault rifles instead of bolt action rifles.
  4. hells high


    I think they need to include this line in their next tagline to promote the game.
  5. Most people just want automatic weapons or their ammo to be harder to find. I agree with a lot of your post, except for this bizarre sentiment. Are you trying to say a fully automatic AKM with a detachable 30 round magazine isn't inherently better for combat than a bolt action hunting rifle?
  6. hells high

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    Or maybe you look at things in black and white instead of with shades of grey. So every first person game the requires some degree of reaction, from the slightest to the most extreme, is exactly the same and should be classified as such? Yeah okay, you win, I'll look at things in 0,1 values and completely disregard variation. Portal = Call of Duty = DayZ. Discussion over.
  7. hells high

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    This looks like one of those famous war photos that kind of tell the human story in a single image, except about DayZ. The getup encapsulates DayZ pretty well, with the mountain pack and the messed up combat helmet and undershirt. I like it, and its now my wallpaper. :D
  8. hells high


    Well this thread is interesting. *Cough*, ANYWAY I could see these becoming the new bandit/PVP uniform. Would look pretty sweet, especially if they rigged them up to follow the VOIP mouth movement.
  9. hells high

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    They play first person only, and fight geared groups in the north. I'm not sure what the hell you are on about but it sure isn't them.
  10. hells high

    Would you prefer 2d scopes?

    No, they said they want to do the 3d scopes properly and I'd like to see that.
  11. hells high

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    This isn't ARMA, its a survival game; and I'm fairly sure this is my only real post on the subject. You also blatantly misconstrue (or misunderstand me, either way) into making it seem like I say there is zero need for any sort of reaction or shooter like skills. And no I don't die a lot, actually bugs and patch character wipes have more kills on me than other players. Maybe you should also read the article you linked and "learn" yourself (preferably before posting it in your own defense again). There are plenty of references to the difference between twitch gameplay and skill based/slower paced/tactical gameplay. All you have to do is watch someone like Sacriel or Ngotie play DayZ to see tactical, thought out, skill based combat as opposed to twitch combat.
  12. hells high

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    The problem is not necessarily mouse acceleration. Its the broken state of the negative acceleration which they have said they are fixing. I remember reading somewhere (inb4 source) that they want to use it to create inertia and weight system to the weapons (so clearing a house with a pistol or something is much easier than with a 9 pound, 50 inch long Mosin Nagant). The fact that moving your mouse faster stops you from turning is the broken part. The more compelling part is that swinging your rifle around isn't instant. This isn't a twitch shooter, there are plenty of those out there already.
  13. hells high

    Bling 1911

    Pearl grips, fancy plating, and engraving isn't bling? Do you have any idea how expensive a custom touch like that is? On top of your already $1-2k gun?
  14. I think we have vastly different opinions about what survival entails.
  15. hells high

    New peices to the puzzle?

    Software development isn't something that happens at a solid, steady rate. Shit happens, bad bugs pop up that are often hidden very deep in an area that you wouldn't expect, things don't work for absolutely NO reason. Often entire areas of development have to grind to a halt because of one little thing. Just be patient.
  16. hells high

    Doors - anyone home?

    Depends what I'm looting and what kind of mood I'm in. If I'm looking for a specific item and end up skipping over a lot of stuff I don't need I'll usually close all the doors after I leave, to let others know there is stuff there still. Though I usually only do this if I'm close to places newer people will be, in the North where people should know better, I tend to just leave them open. If I'm looting a military base I'll usually close the doors as I'm looting (to bring a potential adversary's guard down) and when I leave. I sometimes like to collect all the good stuff (that I don't need) I find at places like the Vybor or Zeleno bases and pile them in a visible area, after closing all the doors. I can only imagine how freaked out I would be if I entered a seemingly unlooted base and came across a pile of weapons ammo and tactical gear. :P Alarms would be going off and I'd be diving for the nearest piece of cover.
  17. hells high

    Very curious about choice of gender.

    And the exact opposite is the answer to OPs question. Some people like to play games differently than the way they would act in real life, that's the beauty of this wonderful medium of video games. Everyone in this thread seems to be alright so far, but I've heard some say it makes them uncomfortable and weird; they're either confused and unsure about some "things" or too far gone off the deep end to save. :P
  18. Dubbing some sound effects over a video of the game is a COMPLETELY different ballgame than actually programming how the sound engine works. He seems to be a very good audio tech for film and the like, but people need to understand its an entirely different thing.
  19. ^ Pretty big wall of text that completely missed the point. The topic isn't about a probable combatant running around you in a firefight, trying to knock you out or relay your position to his buddies, or even the KOS gunplay argument that you pulled out of thin air. Its about the people and groups that walk about the coast (or hide in the trees with a high powered rifle) gunning down fresh spawns for shits and giggles. It literally takes no more skill than basic motor function and hand eye coordination to shoot these players.
  20. That's like saying stomping on insects is sport hunting. If someone wants to get the barest of minimums out of their purchase so be it; however (if you're into PVP) everyone knows the REAL fights happen inland because the terribads are on the coast, shooting people with no way to defend themselves (or spraying at other terribads.) The freedom of DayZ allows these people to be terrible and feel great doing it, though, so that's nice. :]
  21. hells high

    "Frankie" Hero mentality

    Frankie is a douche that hates people who identify themselves as gamers. Gaming peripherals? Waste of time and money and you should feel bad about yourself. Was a fan long ago until he showed his true colours and openly insulted and attacked (followed by numerous bans from his Youtube comments) the people that make up his fanbase. I tend to play a fairly neutral-leaningtowards-hero, mainly just by trying to help newbies or altogether avoiding geared players. Needless to say I don't do it because of him. ;]
  22. hells high

    SKS capacity/loading inaccuracy

    Basically the same thing here in Canada. Can acquire an SKS (albeit pinned to 5 rounds) with nothing more than your standard gun license. Thanks for drawing attention to this Mr. OP, I'm certain its probably a placeholder for now as they work out how to properly implement this. You'd almost have to have an action for locking back the bolt, then dragging each one onto the weapon in your inventory (hopefully followed by a nice little insert animation). This way you could top off your rounds instead of unloading the whole thing and reloading them. I've got an even smaller hair to split though, the animation where he pushes the bolt forward without unlocking first (or better yet, unlocking it and letting it slam home *drool*) drives me nuts. ^_^
  23. For what its worth, I'd run a vanilla private hive. I'd want the community and the world being built on my server (when things like persistent objects make their way in) to be uniquely ours, while effectively eliminating hoppers.
  24. hells high

    Kick = immediate server log-off or not?

    I run mine on Multiplay and have never seen any such option. Although I have run into hackers with that ability, and if the person will stoop to restarting and kicking upon being killed I wouldn't put hacking past them. :/ Kinda sad that they'd do it on their own server, but its not much different than the behavior you described in your OP.
  25. hells high

    .22lr Damage is absurd.

    Well the video you posted the players were wearing helmets, so that's something to consider. With respect it sounds to me like you're a pretty bad shot, or are simply unfamiliar (irony) with how to properly utilize the weapon. With something even like a .17HMR you might be able to shoot a woodchuck in the guts and kill it more quickly, but that's only because it blows the damned thing apart. Its a low velocity round, meaning you have to hit something vital like the brain, and yes the .22LR does have that kind of muzzle velocity.