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hells high

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Everything posted by hells high

  1. hells high

    Dean Hall please sort it out...

    All in due time my friend, all in due time.
  2. hells high

    Discussion on the "Hide body" option

    It should take time and maybe even require a shovel to be on your character. The world seems so empty without bodies, this is the apocalypse after all and people are running around shooting eachother. Personally I feel the team should choose between despawning corpses and hiding corpses. If bodies are going to simply evaporate shortly after a firefight then why bother with the process of hiding them?
  3. hells high

    AKM has been added?

    I love the VZ so much, I've been slowly working on a "next gen" version with baked maps and whatnot for a ARMA3. Unfortunately I talked to Mr. Torchia and he doesn't feel it has a place in the game. Can't wait to gety my hands on the AKM though.
  4. I've had a few characters with interesting loadouts that I like, but generally I'm not too upset when they die. But then there's...
  5. From what I've heard yes. They want to/plan to/have(?) hire sound engineers to redo the whole system.
  6. hells high

    AKM has been added?

    Sorry but as a modeller and animator myself I find it hard to believe my skills would be of any value to the programming department. ;]
  7. hells high

    Weapons Drawn or Put away and KOS policy ...

    I generally have a weapon out, there's way too many people and things that want to kill you. Combine that with the disconnect between hitting the button and things happening and you are basically dead walking.
  8. hells high

    The AK Sound

    Yeah, the other guy was right; you know nothing about game or software development. I think I've probably created more placeholder animations and models than I have production ones.
  9. hells high

    Incapacitation/ Kinectic knockdown discussion

    We had a system kinda like this in a source mod I worked on. Except your character would ragdoll until you recovered. The only thing that might worry me is being locked into an animation like that. You can see even in the first .gif you posted that the guy is able to crawl into the humvee to safety almost immediately after being hit. I might like seeing a knockdown, followed by limited movement, and obviously bleeding, but being locked into that wounded animation would be yet another clunky ARMA regression I feel.
  10. hells high

    I'm worried!

    The ESRB doesn't ban games, they just rate the games. Its your Classification Board, the ones that slap the E, G, PG, M, MA 15+, and R 18+ (as opposed to the ESRB's system found here http://www.esrb.org/index-js.jsp) that can Refuse Classification (even if the ESRB has given it one) that results in the bans. The government should work for the people, that is why we elect them and pay them with taxes. Not the other way around.
  11. Pellets should be a lot more deadly than that, its double-ought buck, not rocksalt. The max you are going to want to try and fight with a shotgun at is probably 100 yards (~90 meters) irl, and even then its considered fairly effective. I hope shotguns get a big overhaul once more start making their way in. 6 shells on a guy witihin 30 meters is pretty absurd, unless you were hitting him in the arms and legs with 1 pellet or so each time, lol.
  12. hells high

    I'm worried!

    Write your government, tell them their restrictions are fucking bullshit. A company shouldn't have to gimp their vision because of a lazy population.
  13. hells high

    whats the strongest melee

    Aim for the head. Anywhere between 1-3 hits all the time for me.
  14. hells high

    SKS vs M4

    I don't get into too many fights, I try not to anyway. However my most recent usage of the M4 in combat was a stock (albeit, pristine parts) M4. I was zeroed to 200m, shot a guy at about 150-200m right in the gut with a single round (he had a vest and decent clothes on) - instantly unconscious. I line up another shot while he is on the ground, one round to the dome and he plays the little death animation. I haven't had any real combat experience with the SKS except for when it was almost completely broken a few patches ago. My friend and I were being followed by a group of geared players, so we got into position and I fired at one guy no more than 200m away. Nothing. No hits. No indication of where my bullets could have possibly gone; didn't even hit the trees immediately to his right or left, or even behind. Maybe the SKS is much better now but I tend to carry my M4 nowadays.
  15. hells high

    Shot within seconds of loading

    Yeah, getting disconnected at a military base is very often a death sentence. Better luck next time I guess.
  16. hells high

    I can't stop killing fresh spawns.

    And though saying that if I ever do encounter you and witness your 'target practice' I will hunt you down and try to kill you. I mean its only fair. :P
  17. hells high

    I can't stop killing fresh spawns.

    Every story needs a villain.
  18. hells high

    Wow, just wow.

    Definitely want to stick to a few servers that you KNOW are solid if you are worried about losing progress. Be wary of weekly maintenance periods as well.
  19. hells high

    Map Making Tools

    Quick google search turned up a few things for ARMA 2. Considering the DayZ engine is built off the ARMA 2 one, I'm guessing it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume at least a bit of the pipeline will be shared. Visitor 3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1907 Terrain Starter Kit http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=3987 Some editing FAQ http://www.armaholic.com/plug.php?e=faq&cid=9
  20. hells high

    wake up mods

    Hey I have an idea. How about instead of making a completely pointless thread that gets lost in the spam, you hit that report button on a few of the spam bot threads.
  21. The game wasn't released. Its not done yet. The $30 product you bought does not exist yet. What we are playing is the prototype, in development build of that product that the developers have given us access to. "Alpha" is merely a development designation given to a piece of software by the developers of said software, it really does not dictate anything. They could just as easily call it "Mamalikaboobooday" and it wouldn't make a damned difference. What does dictate things is the fact that the software you are playing IS NOT FINISHED, nor is it the DayZ you paid for. The point of this early access thing is to help make that DayZ you did pay for (which we won't get for many many many months) the best $30 you've ever spent on a game. There were clear warnings, and even a message from Dean that this is not a finished product and that you should not buy it. If you can't be a smart consumer and weigh what you are buying then you really shouldn't be buying things until they are all wrapped up pretty in a bow. "Alpha" is a stupid excuse, but sometimes stupid complaints require stupid excuses.
  22. hells high

    What dayz could have been without zombies

    Gotta love 'ideas guys'. Once modding opens up put it into motion, or start it rolling on ARMA 3. Make your dream a reality. Just remember that developers (even the free hobby ones) don't like working with strictly 'ideas guys'.
  23. hells high

    Why do my arms look like salami?

    I thought I told you not to dip your arms in bleach!
  24. hells high

    Why do my arms look like salami?

    That has everything to do with rendering.