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Jayden Drees

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About Jayden Drees

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Jayden Drees

    The best MOD/GAME going down the drain

    this guy is just being a dick rokect made a mod for free u play it for free u brought the game not his mod now that arma 2 is useing it to advertise their game doesnt make it ur rite to play an alpha mod and not run into a hacker or bugs ur just a bitch who doesnt know how to shut the fuck up and act ur age
  2. Jayden Drees

    hunting knife and water bottles

    thats a stupid idea the game is made to be realistic not make it so u can have fun camping a city waiting people to get basic supplies
  3. Jayden Drees

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    there already is one
  4. Jayden Drees

    Kicking of Players for Clan members

    its his right to give away servers to who he chooses hes putting the whole before a few whiny people who are already lucky to own a server its not their mod or game its a server rocket still has full power to do with the server rules even if he does do something complatly unfair its his mod hes working on it by himself pretty much and u get to play it for free so stop ur bitching or stop playing the mod if ur so outraged
  5. Jayden Drees

    Worst Way You Ever Died

    me an my bro were going to the nw airfield on the way we find a crashed copper i overwatched his ass we found a fnl with a night scope and a saw i shit u not. so we make our way to the nw airfeild find another copper it had med supplies we take those. we get to the airfeild we loot it and im like lots get to the tower and plan out our trip up there hes like no i wanna keep looting and im like no theres nothing else 5 mins later i take a m14 round to the chest(no damage server had armour) i run into the building he was in put away the akm and get the saw out i tell him to stay there and snipe the guy when i cover fire him i cover fire with a few brust from my saw the freaking idiot doesnt know how to zero scope so he instantly goes through a fnl mag and gets shot in the head i hide his body to get rid of the fnl i brust the shit out of the guy i see theres 2 now take one out and now the m14 has zombies all over him hes trapped up there i run up to side and all of sudden he teleports to the bottom of the ladder and im all sudden frozen in place i had a 30 ping too and mows me down i blame my partner on that screw up holy shit this a long post
  6. Jayden Drees

    PvP tips we all should know.

    u know what he ment u nazi