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About gfx

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  1. go to the graphics options ingame and the blurriness will disapear, but colors wont return
  2. gfx

    Zombies as a cure for KOS

    for sure. game would benefit from it
  3. gfx

    Zombies as a cure for KOS

    i dont know... fighting zombies in the game is no fun, ok its bit more satisfying now that i have bag full of ammo but melee with zombies is really awful, tbh id prefer no zombies and more players on the map
  4. gfx

    These noobs.

    well yes wisper that's true, i don't usually engage when i see no point in it, but with those airfields and such there is so much activity and i am not willing to risk loosing everything, so i usually lay low and if someone is on the way where i want to loot ill just shoot or if i spot that he is carrying something i want... in villages and forest i don't bother with that as its easy to hide if necessary. besides i do not use a mic atm so cant really be chattin
  5. gfx

    SA - Is the blood regeneration working?

    i think its bugged, i have the same issue, been few days like that, and all is foggy, i know for fogginess you have to go to options and then click the visuals or whatever its called where u can change graphics for the game. then the fogginess disapears and you see everything clearly but it dont remove the blacknwhite
  6. gfx

    These noobs.

    i will kill anyone on sight, noob or not a noob if i am at army bases, fire stations and other high value loot places. these places are no mans lands, i am there for the best gear so if someone gets it before me i will challenge them if i feel like they have something i need. no time to negotiate in those places, shoot and move and collect all, then in the woods u can be friendly with the noobs if you want
  7. gfx

    Hackers all over place

    yesterday i did spot about 6 dead guys in the south military base, most were near by, so it made me wonder if the mass suicide cheat was used, but i didnt care cos there was tons of good loot on the dead guys so i just scavenged all and went to safe place and logged out :D got the biggest bag and half of it full of good food and water and rifles and pistols and etc etc. i did have to defend the dead bodies from someone who thought he can get loot before i reached him with my fire axe. he was wrong
  8. gfx

    Xbox 360 Controller Support?

    i wish it had 360 controller support actually, when traveling long ways it would be nice to kick back and and just use the controller. it could be done like it is in euro truck 2 simulator, for some menus u still use the mouse and stuff.mouse controller and keyboard are all the time activated. so you can switch between them when needed
  9. gfx

    m4 is really inaccurate.

    i been scavenging for pristine parts and modified parts for the m4 3days now, and finally got i guess the best parts for it all prestine so i was excited to go shootin shit up, so i tried it out on the north airfield and seriously wtf. its pretty sad... so i blamed the bad aim on the weather cos the clouds were moving really fast so i assumed it was some new thing in the game cos modern rifles do shoot pretty accurate. but i guess its a common thing, i hope they fix that stuff fast. no wonder no one been able to kill me yet. i been shot at quite few times while i was scavenging for parts in military bases
  10. morphine injector should help. can be found in hospitals usually in elektro etc
  11. not sure if i can post it here but majestic_87 or u had similar name, we were hunting for animal at night time, i managed to loot your stuff after u died, if u want it back let me know. hope you are checking the forums :D P.S anyone know how to friend people here?